
一時滞在許可証の取得 Grant of Temporary Residence Permit

警察とのインタビューも無事に終えて、あとは一時滞在許可証(Dozvola zaPrivremeni Boravak)が下りるのを待つだけ♪



警察で一時滞在許可証をもらってオフィスを出るときに、ビザの受理書を渡されて2週間以内に国民健康保険(HZZO)に加入して加入証明書を持ってくるように言われました(まだやることがあるのね・・・(^ ^;))。あと、一時滞在許可証は1年ずつの更新なんだけれど、最低でも許可証の期限が切れる1か月前に更新を申請しないと違法というは犯罪になるらしい。じゃぁ、どれくらい前から更新を申請できるのかと聞いたら、1か月と1週間前、との回答・・・。ものすごい短い期間。忘れそうなので、速攻ケイタイのスケジュールにリマインダー登録しました。

OK, after the interview with the police (the visa examiner), I just had to wait the temporary residence permit (Dozvola zaPrivremeni Boravak) to be granted.

  About a month later after the interview, I received an invitation (Poziv) posted to my address. The invitation also tells you what you need to bring with when visiting the police station to obtain the temporary residence permit. In my case, I had to bring a blank bank transfer form, 500Kn (to be transferred to the bank account) and 27.76Kn worth stamps.

  So, I took all necessary things written on the invitation to the police station together with my passport, and I've got the temporary residence permit (a visa label) on my passport. It usually takes a few hours to grant the temporary residence permit on the passport, but because my name on the passport had not yet amended at the point when I received the invitation, so I had to wait to receive the visa on my passport until my name was amended...

  When I obtained the visa at the police station, the examiner gave me a certification stating that the procedure of the temporary residence permit is in the process.  The examiner told me that I had to sing up for the Croatian National Health Insurance (HZZO) within two weeks and bring a receipt back to the police station. So, well, there are a few more things I have to do even after granting the temporary residence permit.

   Also, the examiner told me that the temporary residence permit is valid for 1 year and I must renew it at least a month before the visa expires. If I failed to file a request for renewal of the temporary residence permit at least one month before the visa expires, I will be charged because it is illegal and considered as crime. But the earliest I can file the request is a month and a week before the visa expires. So, the time when I can renew the visa is very limited... I immediately set up a reminder in my mobile phone so that I won't forget renewing the visa!

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