
OIBって何?! What is OIB?


 さてさてOIBですが、Osobni Identifikacijski Brojの頭文字をとったもので、個人識別番号になります。ちょうどアメリカのSocial Security Number(社会保障番号)のようなものです。

 クロアチアでは銀行口座を開いたり、職に就いたり、Birth Certificateなどの公文書の発行をしてもらったりするにもOIBが必要になります。つまり、何をするにもOIBが必要ということです。そして、警察に指示された国民健康保険加入にももちろんOIBが必要。なので、国民健康保険に加入申請する前にOIBを取得する必要があります。

 ちょっと前まではOIB発行申請書を地元の税務署(Porezna Ured) に提出して、OIB取得まで数日かかっていたみたいです。地域によってはまだそういうところもあるのかも・・・。ザグレブでは、税務署 (Porezna Uprava) にパスポートを持っていくとその場で一時滞在許可証が発行されているか確認してくれて、ものの数分でその場でOIBが記載された紙を発行してくれます。発行費用は無料でした。クロアチアではありえないくらいのスピードでOIBが発行されたので感動ものでした。クロアチアもやればできるじゃないか、と旦那もびっくり。若くて考えが柔軟で、優秀な人と最新設備はザグレブに集中していたらしい・・・。ひょっとして他の手続きもザグレブだったらもうちょっと早いのかも。


In the case you move to Croatian and decided to live in Croatia, you need to obtain OIB (Osobni Identifikacijski Broj). OIB is something similar to the Social Security Number in the U.S..

  You need to have this OIB in order to open a bank account, sign a contract for a job, request an issue of an official document such as the birth certificate and so on. And of course, to enroll in the National Health Insurance, which I was ordered to do by the police and which is mandatory, I needed to obtain the OIB.

  It seems like it took a few days to obtain the OIB after filing a request at a local tax office (Porezna Ured). Maybe it stay the same depending on tax offices in Croatia. But, in Zagreb, it was super and unbelievably quick! What I needed was just appearing at the main tax office (Porezna Uprava) in Zagreb  with my passport.  Then, the person in charge checked if the temporary residence permit had been issued and printed out a document with OIB in a few minutes. There was no charge for this. So, we, I mean I and my husband was sooooo surprised by this quick procedure. It was a moment when a question we had: if everything is inputted into a data base, why can't they extract information on the data base from any PC? was cleared. Maybe other procedure could have been done in shorter time and easier process in Zagreb...

  The person in charge told me to keep the original copy of the OIB safe, because this document is extremely important. He also told me that I should make a copy of it and give it the copy if someone asked me. If I lost the original copy, then I won't be able to obtain the original one any more, but the tax office would reissue duplication. So, I have to be very careful not to lose it. What a pressure... Maybe I should laminate it.

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