結婚式が済んだら次にすることは、日本大使館への婚姻届の提出と一時滞在許可証(Dozvola za Privremeni Boravak)の申請です。私は結婚式の後に日本へ一時帰国する予定があったので、一時滞在許可証の申請を先にして、大使館への婚姻届の提出を日本から帰ってからしました。後から分かったことですが、この2つは同時進行で行った方が時間を無駄にしないですむと思います。
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Island Vis (Taken by Daniel Zrno) |
-婚姻証明書(Vjenčani List)
-配偶者の出生証明書(Rodni List)
-配偶者の雇用証明書(Potvrda o Zaposlenju)
-配偶者の収入証明書(Osobnom Primanju Supružnika)
-公証人(Javnog Bilježnika)の元、配偶者が扶養者をサポートする旨の宣言書にサインしたもの
在クロアチア日本大使館で作成してもらった出生証明書(Birth certificate)ですが、婚姻届を提出したときとは異なって、アポスティーユは必要なかったです。
After the wedding day, what you need to do next is to amend your name on your passport and to apply the temporary residence permit (Dozvola za Privremeni Boravak) in Croatia.
It must depend on each country's policy and law, but in my case, I had to file a marriage registration at the Japanese Embassy in Zagreb. Also, I thought the amendment of my name on the passport could be done at the same time as when I file the marriage registration. So, I filed the marriage registration about a month after the wedding day, because I had to go back to Japan soon after the wedding day to attend my friend's wedding ceremony and reception, and I knew that the passport name should be the same as the name I booked the flight ticket. So, I delayed the procedure at the Japanese Embassy. But this was a mistake. I should have done filed the marriage registration at the same time when I filed the request for the temporary residence permit.
When you receive the temporary residence permit, your passport has to show the new family name, if you decided to change it. In my case, because I delayed the filing of the marriage registration, I had to wait to receive the temporary residence permit until my name is amended.
Anyway, to apply the temporary residence permit in Croatia, you need to prepare the following documents:
Christmas decoration at Zagreb local government office |
-A copy of your valid passport
-Your birth certificate in Croatian language
-A copy of marriage certificate (Vjenčani List)
-Proof of your partner's citizenship (Domovnica)
-Your partner's birth certificate (Rodni List)
-A copy of your partner's ID
-A copy of a certificate of your partner's employment (Potvrda o Zaposlenju)
-Proof of past 3 months income of your partner (Osobnom Primanju Supružnika)
-A statement of supporting the dependent in front of the notary public (Javnog Bilježnika)
-2 photos (3.5cm × 4.5 cm) of the applicant
-Criminal record of the applicant
-Proof of health insurance of the applicant
-Proof of residence
-A copy of ID of the owner of the residence.
Also, prepare 500 Kn and 27.76Kn stamps, which you need to pay when the you receive the visa. As you can see, you need to prepare more documents than when you file the marriage registration.
When a Croatian citizen marries to a foreigner, he/she needs to earn 2.750Kn per month at least. If a non-Croatian family member will depend on him/her, then he/she needs to earn 3.250kn per month at least. If family reunion includes 2 or more dependents (like children), then add 500Kn extra for each dependent.
As for the criminal records, I guess you will get one with Apostille stamp on it. So, file the criminal record without opening it. The police may accept the criminal record as it is, or the police may order you to bring a translation for it. If the translation is needed, then the translation must be done by a certified translator such as a court translator. But as you know, the document with Apostille will become invalid if you open it. So, bring the sealed criminal documents to the police office and ask for instruction. In my case, I was requested to translate the criminal record into Croatian, so I contacted my court translator and filed the translation about a week later.
By the way, when I filed the birth certificate for the marriage registration, I needed to attach the Apostille, but when I filed the birth certificate for the temporary residence permit, I was not requested to attach the Apostille with it. It might depend on police officers, so better to check before you file it.
If you contracted a health insurance, which covers treatments in Croatia, back in your country, then you need to bring a proof of it. If you don't, like I didn't, then you can make a contract with Croatian health insurance company called Sunce, which sells a health insurance for foreigners in Croatia.
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