The Fort Lovrijenac is located west of the cold city of Dubrovnik. The pathway to the fort is a bit hard to find. We asked a local people the pathway to the fort and managed to get there.
It was very hard to walk on steps up to Lovrijenac under this extremely strong sun! The steps are not that steep, and it won't be any problem to climb up steps if the sun did't hit us so strongly.
It seemed like not so many people come up to Lovrijenac. When we visited Lovrijenac, only a few couples except for us were there.
写真ではちょっと見にくいですが、ロヴリイェナッツ要塞の入り口には「NON BENE PRO TOTO LIBERTAS VENDITUR AURO(世界中のお金を持ってしても自由は売らず)」というドブロブニクのモットーが刻み込まれています。
The motto of Dubrovnik "NON BENE PRO TOTO LIBERTAS VENDITUR AURO" meaning "Liverty is not to be sold for all the gold (of the world)" is inscribed at the entrance of Lovrijenac.

ロヴリイェナッツ内部はこれと言った展示も何もないのですが、入口入ってすぐのホールが華やかさはないんだけれど、中世の面影たっぷりでなかなかステキ。ここもGame of Thronesの撮影現場に使われたらしい。この雰囲気はファンタジードラマにぴったり。どの場面で使われたのかな~なんて想像しながらドゥブロブニクを歩くのも楽しい。
There are nothing special to see inside the Lovrijenac, but the main hall near the entrance was very fascinating for me. The hall is very simple, but retains atmosphere of medieval time. The structure of the hall and the fort is very interesting.
The man at the ticket desk told us that Lovrijenac was also used for filming "Game of Thrones". It was fun to imagine which parts of Dubrovnik were filmed for Game of Thrones :)

There are cannons pointing at the Adriatic Sea and mount Srđ as if the fort still protects the old city of Dubrovnik.
The walls of the fort are made to be 6m on the landward side, 4m towards the Adriatic Sea, and only 1m towards the old city of Dubrovnik so that the commander of the fort could not overthrow the government. So, even if the commander attempted to capture the city, the thin wall of Lovrijenac is very easy to break by cannon, which would make the commander surrender very quickly.
The view of Dubrovnik from Lovrijenac fort. As you can see from the photo, the old city of Dubrovnik is slope towards the sea and the mountain. In fact, the old city has lots of slopping streets, which are steeper than you probably imagine, especially towards the mount Srđ.
I wish I could see the Dubrovnik at sunset from Lovrijenac. But, unfortunately, the fort is closed before the sunset:(
By the way, there is no roof or anything to make shade at terrace of Lovrijenac, so be prepared well and bring water with you, because you will be exposed to the very very strong sun. If you visit Lovrijenac during summer, better to go there in the morning or evening. Although the sun was already high above us when we were there at 8am (the opening time of the fort)...
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