Franciscan Monastery is located near the Pile Gate, the North side of Big Onofrio's Fountain. This monastery is said to be established in 14th century. Follow the small and narrow passage and you will find the entrance to the monastery's museum, Mala Braća museum. The entrance is easy to miss though... The entrance fee to the museum was 30Kn for an adult in June 2012. I write the date because the prices increase each year in Dubrovnik :S
When we visited the monastery, it was the Croatian national holiday. But unlike in Zagreb where all the shops close (except for cafes and restaurants), most of the sightseeing facilities, shops, restaurants and cafes were opened even in the national holiday.
The Franciscan Monastery has very very beautiful interior courtyard surrounded by delicate and elegant columns. Compared to the Placa street full of people and very lively, here was so quiet in the courtyard as if I wandered into a completely different world or back in the Middle Ages. The strong sun of the Adriatic streamed in the cool and dark cloister through columns and made such a breathtaking moment. This is my favourite place in Dubrovnik :)❤
Exhibited inside the Mala Braća museum were gallipots, hand-written prescriptions, medical books in Latin language, medical tools and others relating to pharmaceutics. They told us that friars strove to develop the pharmaceutical technology and knowledge to help people.
I just noticed after I took photos, but it seems like photos are prohibited here. I'm so sorry...(>_<) Well, other than medical and pharmaceutical exhibition, there were religious paintings, ritual articles and others.
And if you are interested in organic natural skin care products, don't miss Pharmacy Mala Braća!!! This pharmacy is established in 1317 and said to be the 3rd Oldest pharmacy in Europe. Sounds very attractive, isn't it??!! :)
The pharmacy is just before the entrance to the interior courtyard. Those antique bottles on the shelves look so charming and add some "oldness" to this modern white interior of the pharmacy. This pharmacy is actually still used as "normal" pharmacy where many local people came to consult pharmacists about medicines.
さてさて、お目当ての修道院オリジナルコスメは、というとカウンターのところに並べられていました。マラ・ブラーチャのコスメはクロアチアでもここでしか手に入らないので、とっても貴重です。修道院でオーガニックハーブを使って一つ一つ丁寧に手作りされているらしいので、大量生産は無理なのかも…。でも中世から伝わるコスメなんて、ロマンチック(人ˊ ∀`).☆.。.:*・°
The monastery original cosmetics are displayed on the counter table. Their skin care products are made based on centuries-old cosmetic recipe handed down since 14th century! This secret recipe was not allowed to be taken out of the monastery until recently. But now, you can buy their natural skin care products made from organic herbs based on the secret recipe of the beauty of Croatia only at this pharmacy. It is said that each product is carefully handmade, so I guess they won't be mass produced and be sold anywhere but here. So, the beauty from the Middle Ages!!! Sounds very romantic :)
こちらが修道院オリジナルのナチュラルコスメ。ローズやラベンダーなどのハーブウォーター(化粧水)、フェイスクリーム、ハンドクリーム、ボディミルク、セルライ対策クリーム、しわ取りクリーム、リップクリームなどがありました。中でも人気なのがローズウォーター、ラベンダーウォーター、ローズクリームと万能クリームと言われるゴールドクリームだそうです。どれも優しいハーブの香りがして、癒されそう❤ちなみに、後ろに写っている箱がかわいい石鹸、良く見たらMade in China...これはわざわざ買わなくてもいいかな…。
Here is the close-up photo of the natural skin care products. They sell herbal water , face cream, hand cream, body milk, anti-cellulite cream, anti-wrinkle cream, lip cream and so on. Especially, their Rose Water, Lavender Water, Rose cream, and Gold cream are beautiful! All of them have natural herb and flower odor and make me so relaxed and refreshed❤ The soaps in lovely boxes are, actually Made in China... So, I guess no need to buy them here in Dubrovnik.
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