
ザグレブのステキな歯医者さん Dentist in Zagreb


ドイツなら安心して(?)歯医者に行けそうなんですが、クロアチアってちゃんとした歯科技術があるのかなぁ~と かなり不安でした。でも、聞くところによるとドイツやイタリア、オーストリアからわざわざクロアチアまで来て歯の治療をする人も多いそうです。歯の治療に関していえば、安い上に、ドイツやオーストリア並の治療が受けられるということで、クロアチアではメディカル・ツーリズムも発展しているようです。

ものすごい不安を抱えながら歯科のドアをたたいた私を迎えてくれたのは、笑顔が素敵なDr. Sergea Muškić(ウェブサイトはこちら)。英語も通じるので、かなり安心でした。この歯科はクロアチアの有名人も通うらしく、腕はいいとの評判です。また、この歯科では、ドクター一人ひとりが自分の治療室を持っていて、患者は名前を呼ばれたら担当医の部屋に入るという感じ。しかも、広い治療室に治療台は1台で、集中して治療を受けられる環境でした。

Dr. Muškićの治療室は、壁が明るい緑色に塗られていてなんだかリラックスできる感じ。治療器具も日本とあまり変わらない様子。レントゲンを撮る時も、治療台に座ったままでよかったので楽でした。Dr. Muškićの判断で、(やっぱり)根管治療を受けることになりました。どうやら、矯正治療でできた歯と骨の間の隙間にばい菌が入った様子。

根管治療に計4回通いましたが、とても丁寧に治療をしてくれたので、大満足です。ちなみに、日本では歯医者に行くごとに料金を支払いますが、こちらの歯医者では治療ごとに値段が決まっているようです。 例えば、今回の根管治療は健康保険を使わないで1,200Kn(約18,000円)でした。金額は普通、最終治療日の前回に知らせてくれて、治療代金の支払いは最終治療日です。


Soon after I had moved to Zagreb, I had to go to a dentist. To be honest, I felt really really uneasy about the dental treatment in Croatia. Germany has a good reputation in any medial treatment, but I was not sure about Croatia.

But, my husband and his family told me that many people from Germany, Italy, Austria and so on came all the way to Croatia for the dental treatment. According to them, the Croatian dental technology is as good as German, but much cheaper than in Germany, Italy and Austria. In fact, I found that Croatia is one of the leading destinations for the medial tourism.

Even if my husband and his family tried to convince that Croatia has good dentists, I was still reluctant to go to a dentist here. But, it was a kind of urgent, so I did go to the dentist in Zagreb.

My doctor was Dr. Sergea Muškić (the website is here). She can speak English (actually, all the staffs there speak English) and is very friendly and nice, so I felt less anxious.

Here at the dentist, each doctor has their own treatment room, which looks quite different from Japan. In Japan, usually, there are several treatment chairs arranged in one big room, so that a doctor can give treatments to a couple of people simultaneously. I mean, for example, while the doctor waits for the alginate mix (to make tooth mold) to become solid, the doctor give the dental treatment to another patient.

Anyway, my dentist has a lovely treatment room, which is painted with light green colour. So, I could relax a bit :) It seems like the dentist has a good and the latest dental equipments. I visited the dentist 4 times in total. My doctor gave me very detailed and thorough treatment, so, I'm very happy with the result :)

In Croatia, the prices are set depending on which treatment you need to take. For, example, I was given the root canal treatment and it cost me 1,200 Kn without the health insurance. Also, in Croatia, a patient pay for the treatment on the last treatment day.

On the other hand, in Japan, we pay each time we go to the dentist. So, the prices depend on how may times you go to the dentist and which treatment is given.

Anyway, I'm very happy with Dr. Sergea Muškić and I'm sure I will visit her again for dental checkup :)

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クロアチアの健康保険証 Croatian Health Insurance Card



ちなみに、永住権を取得するまで、健康保険の支払いは直接銀行からの振込みになるらしいです。健康保険に加盟してから2か月くらい経つけれど、いまだに振込用紙が届かない・・・。保険局の窓口に問い合わせたら、振込用紙が届くまで時間がかかる場合があると言っていたけれど、あまりにのんびりしているなぁ(^ ^;) 保険証を使いたいときに使えなかったらどうしよう、と不安になってしまう。それとも義母が言っていたように、自主的に払い込みをしないといけないのだろうか・・・。


 About 2 weeks after I joined the Croatian National Health Insurance (HZZO), a health insurance card is delivered to my address together with a letter. 

There is the red and white checks (Šahovnica), which is also used for the Croatian national flag, designed on the card. The card looks pretty :)

I've informed that until I obtain a permanent residence visa, which I will be able to apply after 5 years of holding the temporary residence permit, I have to pay fees directly to the HZZO's bank account. 

Almost 2 months has been passed since I joined the HZZO, but I haven't received a payment slip yet. The person over the phone told us that the HZZO will send us the payment slip to our address but may take time. But, it seems like it takes way too long time... Now, I'm a bit worried if I can't use the health insurance card when I want to use... 

Hmmm, maybe as my mother-in-law told me, I should "voluntarily"pay the fee to the HZZO bank account. In any case, I should call them gain if I still don't receive the payment slip next month.


ザグレブで春を発見! Spring has come (already)?!

3月に入って、このところだいぶ暖かくなってきたザグレブ。日中はだいたい20℃くらいで、ちょっと歩けば汗ばむほど。中にはTシャツ一枚で歩いて いる人たちも・・・。とはいうものの、朝晩はまだまだ肌寒いのでこの時期にクロアチアに旅行に行かれる方はスプリングコートも用意された方がいいかな、と 思います。


Sakura in Zagreb
ザグレブの中心部で桜に出会えるなんて思ってもみなかったので思わず近くによってまじまじと 観察してしまいました。桜を見てうきうきした気分になるのはやっぱり日本人だなぁ~と思う瞬間。でもクロアチアの人はあんまり気に留めていなかった様子。 旦那に話しても「クロアチアに桜?あ~、そういえばあったかも」程度。日本の桜の方がなぜだか分からないけれど、きれいに見えるらしいです。


 Since the beginning of March, it suddenly gets so warm here in Zagreb. Now in the middle of March, the temperature at daytime is about 20 degrees in average. So, when I have a walk, I feel sweaty. I saw some people walking in the city in T-shirt already! Well, but it could get a bit chilly at night and in the morning still. So, if you plan to visit Zagreb in March, better to bring a spring coat or something just in case.

 So, in this warm spring weather in Zagreb, I found Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) when I walked to the central station of Zagreb along Praška street. I felt so delighted when I found Sakura :) I don't know why, but Sakura is very special for Japanese and most of us love Sakura, and so do I. It tells of the arrival of spring.

My family told me that in Nagoya, it is still cold and the cherry blossoms are not in bloom yet but the plum blossoms are in full bloom. I would say, in Japan, late March to April is the best season to see full bloom of Sakura. Kyoto is especially beautiful when all Sakura are in bloom. Also, during the Sakura season, many temples in Kyoto open at night, so that you can enjoy beautifully lit up temples and Sakura.

Well, so Zagreb welcomes Spring a bit earlier than in Nagoya or Tokyo. Since it's get so warm recently, lots of people enjoy this nice weather at outside and cafes :) Many cafes in the city are full of people and Zagreb became lively again.