雪の降っている時期にプリトヴィツェを訪れる場合は、足元に十分気を付けてください。日本と違って、柵がしっかり作られているわけでもないので一歩間違えると大けがをしかねません。まぁ、自然そのまま手つかずで残してあると言われればそうなんですが、日本の感覚で言うと安全対策してなくて大丈夫?!みたいな・・・(^ ^;)


In winter, most of the lakes and waterfalls are frozen. Although, the water still flows while making dynamic sounds. As you will find on the photos, I saw many interesting "nature art". The spray of the waterfall made an ice domes, and through which water still flows. Other waterfall made ice curtains. I even found an ice mushroom near the big waterfall!
Walking in the Plitivice in snow was actually very hard. Most of the passages were not completely cleaned. So, sometimes I had no choice but to slip on my bum to go down the steps, because the snow had half-melted and became icy... So, when you visit the Plitvice in winter, please be extra careful to walk.

By the way, the Plitvice has 2 entrances. However, during the winter, I would recommend to use the main entrance. Because, I was told at the second entrance that the passages had not been cleaned and I wouldn't be able to go further. Also, boats to transfer people to the upper lakes were not on service, because the lake is frozen. So, technically, you can only walk around the big waterfall and around in winter. Because of these reasons, the entrance ticket to the Plitvice was discounted to half price (40Kn)!Hmmm, maybe you still think it's expensive, considering that passages are not cleaned, though... Also, the ticket office is opened until 15:00 in winter. So, if you get there after the opening hour, you can entre free. But, be careful, the Plitvice in winter gets dark very quickly!
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