
クロアチアの健康保険証 Croatian Health Insurance Card



ちなみに、永住権を取得するまで、健康保険の支払いは直接銀行からの振込みになるらしいです。健康保険に加盟してから2か月くらい経つけれど、いまだに振込用紙が届かない・・・。保険局の窓口に問い合わせたら、振込用紙が届くまで時間がかかる場合があると言っていたけれど、あまりにのんびりしているなぁ(^ ^;) 保険証を使いたいときに使えなかったらどうしよう、と不安になってしまう。それとも義母が言っていたように、自主的に払い込みをしないといけないのだろうか・・・。


 About 2 weeks after I joined the Croatian National Health Insurance (HZZO), a health insurance card is delivered to my address together with a letter. 

There is the red and white checks (Šahovnica), which is also used for the Croatian national flag, designed on the card. The card looks pretty :)

I've informed that until I obtain a permanent residence visa, which I will be able to apply after 5 years of holding the temporary residence permit, I have to pay fees directly to the HZZO's bank account. 

Almost 2 months has been passed since I joined the HZZO, but I haven't received a payment slip yet. The person over the phone told us that the HZZO will send us the payment slip to our address but may take time. But, it seems like it takes way too long time... Now, I'm a bit worried if I can't use the health insurance card when I want to use... 

Hmmm, maybe as my mother-in-law told me, I should "voluntarily"pay the fee to the HZZO bank account. In any case, I should call them gain if I still don't receive the payment slip next month.

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