午前中に1時間半ほどザグレブの街を散策。世界一短いと言うケーブルカーにもご案内したのですが、運休中・・・。残念(>_<) 今一どいういったタイミングで運休になるのかよく分からないこのケーブルカー・・・。アッパータウンからザグレブの街と大聖堂を眺め、聖マルコ教会の前を通り過ぎてドラッツ市場に向かう、というコース。
My ex-boss at work when I worked at the company in Japan visited me with his family in the end of this June. So, we also had an early short summer holiday with them travelling through Plitvice and Split to Dubrovnik.
Our schedule was kind of the typical route: Zagreb → Plitvice → Split → Dubrovnik.
On the first day of my ex-boss and his family stay in Croatia, we walked around Zagreb showing the main attractions of the city: Upper Town, St. Mark's Church, The Cathedral and Dolac market. Unfortunately, the "world shortest cable car" did not operate on that day. I'm not sure when they operate it and when they don't...
Then we all squeezed into my husband's small car and drove to Plitvice. Of course, on the way to the Plitvice lakes, we stopped at Rastoke village and had a light lunch while enjoying the refreshing sounds of waterfalls :)
I've been to the Plitvice lakes several times already. But still, I'm always amazed by the beautiful emerald green lakes. By the way, the passage to the small waterfall (Mali Slap) is closed since I had visited there last time in this May. I have no idea why and why it takes so long to re-open the passage though.
After enjoying refreshing walking in the Plitvice National Park for several hours, we continued our trip to Split. It usually takes about 2 hours from Zagreb to Plitvice, and another 3 hours from Plitvice to Split. However, during the high tourism season, the load will be full of cars and might require longer driving hour. For example, my husband's friend recently travelled from Split to Zagreb by car and it took about 9 hours because of a car accident (usually, if you use the highway, it takes about 4.5 hours from Zagreb to Split). So, when you drive the highway, pay attention to the load information. In summer, the load information and news are broadcast also in English, German and Italian languages on radio.
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