Split is the old Roman city, which is registered as the World Heritage.
The origin of the city goes back to 3rd century when the Roman Emperor Diocletianus, who is said to be born near Salona, built the palace and spent his rest of his life there after he had abdicated. The palace was designed to function also as a fortress and a military camp.

ちなみに、クロアチア語で「クロアチア」は「フルヴァツカ Hrvatska」と言いますが、その語源となっているクロアチア民族を示す「フルヴァット Hrvat」はもともと「軍事エリート Military Elite」の意味だとか・・・。クロアチア人は戦いに優れた民族としてヨーロッパで名を馳せたとか。
In Croatian language, Croatia is "Hrvatska". The word is came from the name of tribe "Hrvat". Some says that it means "military elite" and in facet, Croatian were great soldiers.
Nowadays, the offspring of the "military elites" in the uniform of Roman soldier welcome us at the Peristile in the Diocletian's Palace :)
城壁に囲まれたディオクレティアヌス宮殿の北側の入口にはニン司教グレゴリーの大きな像が立っています。この像の左足の親指をこすると幸運が訪れるらしく、親指だけ金色にぴかぴかに光ってました。もちろん、親指をしっかりこすって願掛けしました(^ ^;)
A huge statue of Gregory of Nin is standing near the North entrance of the Diocletian's Palace. It is believed that rubbing his toe brings good luck. So, of course, I did rub his toe to wish my good luck:)
So, who he is? He was the bishop in Nin and promoted the use of the old Slavic language and the Glagolitic alphabet when the Latin was used as the official language at church and politics in Croatia.
The view of Split from the sea side. I saw some washing hanged from small windows of the wall. So, yes, people still live in the palace. It's very interesting mixture.
The palm trees on the promenade added very exotic taste to the city.
The view of Split from the sea side. I saw some washing hanged from small windows of the wall. So, yes, people still live in the palace. It's very interesting mixture.
The palm trees on the promenade added very exotic taste to the city.
Although it was still the end of June, the temperature was already over 30 degrees and it was very very hot. Also, the sun was very strong.
It was so hot outside, so we rushed into the basement of the palace. The basement halls are also open to public, so we decided to have a look. At the entrance, they will give you a postcard of the original Diocletian's Palace as a ticket. I think it is very good idea. The basement halls are also playgrounds for cats :)
Everywhere in Dalmatia, the bougainvillea was in full bloom. The contrast between this strong pink and the blue sky was very very beautiful.
I forgot taking photos, but I went to the restaurant called "Fife" for lunch. The restaurant was recommended by local people. They serve various types of fishes and very tasty Dalmatian stewed beef dish called Pašticada.
The owner of the restaurant was very friendly. He told us that he was engaged in something relating to ship when he was young and had been to Kobe, Japan a couple of times. It was a very nice to find such a connection although Japan and Croatia are far far away from each other :)
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