They are chocolate my Austrian friend gave me :) I didn't know this Austrian chocolate maker called Zotter until he gave me, but it seems like it is well known brand. I checked their website (here) and found out that they use only fair trade and organic cacaos. Also, their chocolate does not contain any artificial flavor, colouring and other chemicals. They also make chocolate for vegans.
My Austrian friend told me that Zotter makes very creative chocolate and I should visit their shop when I visit Austrlia. I also really like their packaging with kitsch and cute illustrationsY
Anyway, they are chocolate bars, chocolate assortment and drinking chocolate from left to right in the photo. There were two small chocolates with sesame in the assortment and they tasted like something Japanese! And other chocolates were also very tasty (and healthy, I guess). Zotter's chocolates are good idea for souvenir of Austria, I think :)
I found a very nice message card inside the package of Zotter chocolate bar.
I've never studied German and I don't understand what it says, but according to my husband, who knows a bit of German language, the message card says "CAUTION: Don't eat chocolate, but enjoy it!".
この説明書き通りに試しにチョコレートを楽しんでみることに・・・。しばらく旦那も私もしばらく無口になりましたが(^ ^;) とっても優雅な時間に浸れたような気分になりました。しかも満足感もばっちり!これから食欲の秋、といってもザグレブは秋を通り越して冬のような寒さですが、食べ過ぎ抑制にもなりそうなので、しばらくこの食べ方でチョコレートを堪能することにします。
There was a detailed explanation how to "enjoy" chocolate on the back of the massage card.
In sum, it says "Hold a piece of chocolate between your tongue and upper palate of your mouth, and slowly melt it with your tongue and enjoy wonderful smell of chocolate. Breath deeply and enjoy aromas of chocolate".
My husband and I tried to enjoy the chocolate according to their way to eat chocolate. For a while both of us were silent because our mouths were busy with melting the chocolate, but we felt like we had elegant and sophisticated time :) And in fact, were were filled with feeling of satisfaction even with small amount of chocolate. It was a nice finding!
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