My friend who lives in Vienna visited me in Zagreb last month. Surprisingly, he travelled 350km from Vienna to Zagreb by his bicycle!!! We, me and my husband, were both surprised and when I heard that he planed to travel to Zagreb by bicycle, we thought he was joking. But, he succeeded his trip and got to our home safely and we were very happy to welcome him at our apartment :)
To welcome our friend from Vienna, we opened a bottle of umeshu (Japanese plum wine, or plum rakija). Then, my husband and my friend played Super Mario with old antique Family Computer or "Famicon" til midnight :D My husband said he was much better when he was a child, but now, both of them have trouble with cleaning stages! They seemed like they went back to their childhood and enjoyed it a lot.

On his second day in Zagreb, we took him to Karlovac and Plitvice. The day trip destinations are pretty much limited from Zagreb. But it seemed like my friend enjoyed both War Museum in Karlovac and Plitvice.

この日は9月のはじめにも関わらず、雨が降るか、降らないか、というくらい天気が悪くて肌寒かった(>_<) でも、アウトドアが好きな友達には好評でした♪ちなみに、4月、6月に来たときに通行止めになっていた小滝(Mali Slap)への道は未だに閉鎖されたままでした。いつになったら再開するのかなぁ・・・。
Even in the beginning of September, it was very cold in Plitvice, especially because we had a bad weather that day. Still, we enjoyed the beautiful lakes and very fresh and clean air, which was really really great. By the way, a passage to the small waterfall (Mali Slap) was still closed since I visited there last April and June. I have no idea when the passage will be opened again.

Anyway, thank you for visiting me my friend! I wish we will see each other again, maybe in Vienna next time ;) Actually, Vienna is a bit closer to Zagreb than Split, but we didn't have a chance to visit there, but now we have a good excuse to visit Vienna :)
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