After a long walk in the Versailles, we went back to the city of Paris, and continued sightseeing, starting from the Sainte-Chapelle. This chapelle is breathtaking! I personally think this is much more beautiful and charming than the Notre-Dame de Paris.

When I first visited this chapelle, I was so astonished by the beautiful and spectaculous view spreading in front of me. The light streaming from the detailed stained glasses and old delicate sculptures make the space more stately atmosphere.

After we enjoyed the Sainte-Chapelle, we had a bit of break at a cafe. We all walked a lot and so exhausted, especially our feet started hurting..:( In Paris, forget about high-heels, you definitely need a comfortable shoes.
Then, we spend a bit of time searching some souvenirs. Walked to the Arc de Triomphe aiming to be on the top of it at the sunset (although it was already 7:30 to 8pm!).

It was already 10pm when it got dark. Time passes very very quickly in Paris. We left the lit up Arc de Triomphe and dragged our feet back to the hotel
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