友達と1時間くらい日の当たるベンチで話をしていたら見事に半袖の跡が残るくらいに日焼けしました(>_<) ザグレブは、オーストラリア並に紫外線が強く感じます。街を歩いていると雨傘を日傘代わりにしているおばあちゃんを発見。こんな天気で日傘をさしていると不思議そうに見られるのは確実だけれど、そんなのを気にしていられないほどの強い日差しです。
4月5月のクロアチアは、変わりやすい天気に備えた服装がいいかも。そして、紫外線対策は日本にいるとき以上に気を付けた方が良さそう。 それと、日本とは違ってものすごく乾燥するので、乾燥対策、街を散策するときはお水を持っていくと便利だと思います。
It was a bit cold until mid-April, but the temperature suddenly increased in Zagreb from late-April as if it is early-summer already. The temperature even reached to 28 degrees!
So, in this very hot weather, people enjoy their coffee, cakes and ice cream at cafes :) I really this way of spending time with friends and family.
But, the weather here in Zagreb since April was very fickle. Around 23-24 April, I needed a winter coat when I go out, but in a couple of days later, I wore a summer dress. The nice early-summer weather continued until yesterday, when the temperature suddenly dropped. In Sarajevo, it even snowed!
I also felt very strong ultraviolet here. I've got tanned in one hour while I was under the sun with having a chat with my friend. I should have put sun cream, but I didn't get used to putting it because I usually use a sunbrella (a parasol) in Japan.
Anyway, the combination of strong sun, dry weather, cafes and the tram remind me of Melbourne, Australia :)
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