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Photo by Daniel Zrno |
それが、今回パリに言ったら、あんなに英語嫌いだったフランス人が自分から積極的に英語で話してくれてびっくり∑(・ω・ノ)ノ 前日まで、忘れかけていたフランス語をがんばって思い出して備えていたのに、パリに滞在中、英語が通じなくて困ったなんてことはぜんぜんありませんでした。この7年間で何があったんだろう・・・。
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ノートル・ダム大聖堂内 |
弟の感想ですが、パリよりもザグレブの方が街がきれいで落ち着くと感じたそうです。確かにザグレブの街はあまりゴミも落ちていないし、パリに比べたら新しい建物も多いからかもしれません。ひょっとして、パリに着くなり「スリには十分気を付けて!」と脅しすぎたせいかな・・・(^ ^;) でもパリに限らず、ヨーロッパの大きな街では、人前でお財布をなるべく出さないようにしたり、お財布は必ず隠すようにしないと、知らないうちにスラれるということもあるので、気を付けてくださいね。
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Inside of Notre-Dame de Paris |
途中、Pont des Arts (芸術橋)を遠目に見たとき、記憶と違って橋がキラキラ光っていて、あれっと不思議に思いました。近くに行ってみたら、恋人同士の名前が書いてある錠がたくさん橋にかかっていました。 う~ん、でも錠がついていないPont des Artsのほうが、素朴だけれど温かみがあって好きだったかな。
I had a small trip to Paris with my husband and my brother, who visited us during the Golden Week. The Golden Week is a set of national holidays in Japan including Showa Day (the birthday of the former Emperor), Constitution Memorial Day, Green Day, and Children's Day. It depends on each company, but when I worked at a car company, I had 3 of 9 days (on average) holidays in a year, usually this Golden Week, in August and around New Year. Plus, I got 15 days paid-holidays I can use. So, I think work condition regarding to holidays was not too bad as you might imagine.
Also, here in Croatia, the paid holidays should be used in 1.5 years (until the end of June), whereas, in Japan, the paid holidays can be saved for the sick leave in the future, although the number of days you can save is limited up to, e.g. 30 days.
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Pont des Arts |
It takes less than 2 hours by flight from Zagreb to Paris. When I searched the flight between Zagreb and Paris, I couldn't find any cheap flights operated by low cost-carriers, unfortunately... We stayed only 2 nights in Paris, so our schedule was so packed. For my husband and my brother, it was the first time to visit Paris. So, we started from Notre-Dame de Paris, then walk along the Seine river to the Musée du Louvre, further to the Arc de Triomphe along Avenue des Champs-Elysées.
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Paris around 9pm |
Oh, when I saw the Pont des Arts from a distance, I was wondering why it sparkles. And when I got there, I found so many locks with couples' names on them hanged on the fence, which were not there back in 2005. It was very unique, but to be honest, I prefer the old Pont des Arts without those locks. It looked simple, but warm and elegant.
Paris in early May was colder than Zagreb, about 10 degrees difference. We still needed a thick jacket, but when the sun came out from clouds, it suddenly got very warm.
Paris is packed with tasty food, lovey and fashionable items, beautiful and historical buildings, arts and everything. Paris is very charming and attractive city. I definitely love to spend more time next time ;)
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