
冬のRastoke村 Rastoke Village in Winter

地図がなんか変?! Something is wrong with directions...


 Rastoke村に入るのに何やら入場料なるものが必要、と看板に書いてあったのですが、冬のせいか誰もいなかったのでそのまま入場・・・。そしてその入口近くになんだか変な看板を発見?! よ~く見ると、ザグレブの位置が、妙なところに書いてあるんです(^ ^;) ザグレブがロンドンとシカゴの間のはずはないですね。Rastoke村から見たら、ザグレブってモスクワに行く途中なんですけどね・・・。たぶん、距離さえあってればいいだろう、なんていう考えだったんでしょうかね。あんまり細かいことを気にしないクロアチア人の性格がよく表れているというか。オーストラリアでもここまで適当じゃなかった。でもクロアチア人のこういう適当なところ、案外好きだったりします。笑いを誘ってくれるというか・・・。

 Rastoke村は、湖の上に、滝の流れを邪魔しないように家々が建っているという感じ。なので、家の床の下を勢いよく水が流れていたりします。村に入ってすぐのところにカフェもあるので、滝の音に耳を澄ませながらコーヒーを楽しむこともできます。途中、村の一角で水車の力で石臼を回して小麦粉を引いているおばあちゃんがいました。 言えば、小麦粉やトウモロコシの粉など、数クーナで売ってくれるみたい。


ラストケ村 Rastoke Village
I stopped at Rastoke village on the way to the Plitvice this time, too. When I stopped here last time, I only have 5 minutes or so to just look over the village from the hill. But, this time, I spent enough time to explore this lovely village.

  Attraction of Rastoke village is its breathtaking nature. It looks like that the village was established upon the small lake and waterfalls. Even in winter, the waterfalls were not frozen and water were dynamically flowing. I also saw that the water slooshing under the houses. Listening to this nature sound, the flow of water and the waterfalls, in this peaceful atmosphere was very very relaxing. I didn't go, but there is a small cafe at the very entrance of the village. I think it would be really good to have a time to sit there and enjoy the beautiful landscape while having coffee :)

 When I visited the village, there were only a few visitors. So, it was very peacefully quiet. Only the sound of the waterfalls and our steps crunching snow echoed in this silent village.

  There is "another" entrance of the village across a big bridge behind the village. The board says that we have to pay to entre the village, but there is no one there. So, we just entered the village. At the entrance, we found a weirdly directed map (the first photo). Did you find out what was wrong with that map? Well, Zagreb is located in a weird position. Zagreb can't be located between London and Chicago... From Rastoke village, Zagreb is more like on the way to Moscow. Hmmm, maybe they don't care about the directions but just wanted to show how distanced to each city. I kinda like this characteristics of Croats not caring much about details. They sometimes give us some good laugh (like the map above!) :P


カルロヴァツの戦争博物館 War Museum in Karlovac



 ザグレブにいると、この国が20年前戦争をしていたとを忘れてしまうほど平和です。でも、カルロヴァッツを走っていると、今でも銃弾の跡が残る家を見ることができ、ここで確かに戦争が行われていたんだ、と感じることができます。1991年から1995年までの独立戦争(クロアチア人はHomeland Warと呼びます。)で、ザグレブは実際の戦場にはなりませんでした。ここカルロヴァッツとシサックでくい止めていたため、ザグレブまで戦争の被害が及ぶことはなかったようです。ところで、クロアチアの第2次世界大戦以降に作られた建物の地下、あるいは高層アパートの一角に核シェルターがあります。旧ユーゴ時代に核戦争を想定して作られたものらしいですが、独立戦争時にも役に立っていたようです。

 この戦争の話、実際にクロアチア人の旦那や家族に聞いてみると、実に興味深い。私たちは旧ユーゴスラビアを含むバルカン半島は「ヨーロッパの火薬庫」と言われるくらいに民族間の対立が激しい、と歴史で習いました。でも、実際には旧ユーゴ時代、言われるほど民族間の対立があったわけではなく、反対に民族関係なく平和にやっていたそうです。もちろん一部の極右勢力やら過激な民族主義者はいましたが・・・。それでも旧ユーゴ時代、お互いにどこの出身だとか、どの民族に属しているなんてことは誰も気にしなかったそうです。また、ここの地域はクロアチア、セルビアそしてボスニアがそれぞれカトリック(いわゆる西洋)、セルビア正教(旧ソ連寄り)とイスラムが隣り合っていて、ちょうどアメリカ、ソ連そしてイスラムのパワーゲームの舞台にされたと考えられているようです。これらのいわゆるGrate Powerが介入しなければ、何も問題はなかったのでは、という見方をする人もクロアチアにはいます。


 戦争なんて言ったら、きっとクロアチア全体が悲惨な 状況だったんだろう、なんて私は思っていました。なので、旦那からそんなことはなくて、普通に学校に行って、普通にスーパーで買い物して、夏には海岸沿いの町でバカンスを楽しんでいた、と聞いてものすごく拍子抜けしたのを覚えています。なんせ、初めて旦那に会ったとき、あまりのひょろ~んと長細い体系に「きっと戦争で栄養不足だったのね」なんて勝手に思い込んでたので・・・。でも戦争を体験しているせいか、クロアチアの人はものすごく他人に対して優しいです。なんというか、連帯感とか助け合いの精神が強い感じ。一方で、権力というものにものすごく懐疑的な部分もあるのだけれど。


I had a day trip to Plitvice on 19 February 2012, which I thought was the last chance to see the Plitvice in snow. Generally, the area around Plitvice in winter is extremely cold (like -15 degrees at daytime!) and very very windy (like 36 km/h). But, the forecast said that it would be +3 degrees and no strong wind on that day, so we decided to visit there. 

  On the way to the Plitvice, we stopped at the museum of the Homeland War in Karlovac and Rastoke village. Karlovac is famous for the Croatian local bear, Karlovačko :) Anyway, I have passed this museum a couple of times when I travelled to the Plitvice, Split and Zadar, but had never stopped to see it. 

 This is an open museum where many tanks, anti-aircraft artilleries, ruins and so on are displayed. All of the tanks, the anti-aircraft artilleries, the aircraft, the combat aircraft and so on were actually used during the homeland war. 

  In Zagreb, I really don't feel the shadow of the homeland war. I mean, it's very peaceful so that I almost forget that the war was fought 20 years ago. But, when I reached Karlovac, I saw many houses on which bullet holes remain there. These houses told me that the war was fought here fiercely. In fact, Karlovac was a front-line at which the progress of the Serbian Army was stopped before reaching Zagreb. Most of the war during the Homeland War was fought at the area (such as Vukovar) near Serbia, around Knin near Bosnia, Karlovac and Sisak. So, Zagreb itself managed to escape from being massively damaged. 

  I've asked my husband about the war and heard so many stories I've never heard of that had never been told outside this area. But, his opinion is just one, and I wouldn't generalise his story. Still, we often heard that Balkan, including Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, was the "Power Keg of Europe" for a long time, because this area holds three different religions and various ethnicities. But, I've heard that there wasn't such tension exist among people in the former Yugoslavia as had been perceived by people outside this area, although there were a few super nationalists and right-wing organisations existed. Some people say that people did have a good relationship under the rule of Tito in the former Yugoslavia and no one cares where the others come from and which ethnicity the others belong to. Maybe, because this area is a meeting point of three different religions, the Catholic, the Serbian Orthodox Church and Islam, it could be a ground of power game between the Western countries led by the US (backing Croatia), the former Soviet Union (backing Serbia) and Islamic forces (allying with Bosnia). 

  So, if there wasn't any tension among different ethnicities in the former Yugoslavia, how come the Homeland War had been fought? Well, I guess people who live near the border with Serbia would say there was the tension, though... I mean, I think depending on areas, people would have different opinions and views on this, for sure. But, I've heard that the tension between Croatia and Serbia was intentionally created about a few years before the war was broke out. Well, when you ask about war, you would learn many interesting stories from them. However, this is very delicate issue to discuss, so don't ask someone whom you don't know. Be friends with local people over a couple of alcohol and ask them if it is OK to ask about the war, if you want.

  Anyway, I imagined that Croatia as a whole was in a desperate situation. So, when my husband told me that his family has a normal life during the war - going to school, going to shopping at a supermarket, and going to a coastal town for summer vacation, I was sooooo surprised! He told me that because the front-line didn't move much, it was safe to travel around if they avoided the area near the front-line. 

  Maybe because people in Croatia had experienced the war, I felt like that the Croats are generally very kind people (although I can tell that they were surprised to see Asian, as it seems like very rare to see... :) ). I mean, I think there is solidarity among people and they like to help each other a lot. 

  Well, Croatia today is very peaceful country, which now became one of the most popular holiday destinations in Europe and for Japanese. This small museum in Karlovac tells us a bit about the Homeland War and the sad history of Croatia. And this makes me appreciate peace a lot.


ザグレブ一のアイスクリーム Best Gelati in Zagreb


  2011年にザグレブ中心部に新しくオープンしたショッピングセンターCvjetniの入口正面左のバー&ビストロG (住所:Preobraženska, Zagreb)。カフェがメインで、アイスクリームはひっそりと陳列されていたので、あんまり期待していなかったのですが、イタリアンジェラートのようななめらかで濃厚な味にすっかり虜に・・・。



Čokolada i pistacchio, po pola, molim! (チョコらーだ イ ピスタチオ、ぽ ポーラ、モーリム!)


Pola čokolada i pola pistacchio, molim! (ポーラ チョコらーだ イ ポーラ ピスタチオ、モーリム!)

  というと写真のようにチョコレートとピスタチオのジェラートを半分ずつ盛ってくれます。ちなみに、席についてウェイターさんにジェラートを注文するとグラスに入れて持ってきてくれるけれど、ジェラートの陳列棚の前で注文すると、カップかコーンに入れてくれます。クロアチア語でカップは「šalica (シャリツァ)」、コーンは「kornet (コルネト)」。食べ歩きで、カップに盛ってほしいときは「u šalici (う シャリチ)」を、コーンに盛ってほしいときは「u korenetu (う コルネトゥ)」と言えばOK。



Zagreb was under heavy snow (-20 degrees in the early morning!) until last weekend, but suddenly it's getting warmer and warmer. I feel like as if the spring is coming :) The weather forecast says that it might reach 16 degrees this Saturday! It's actually warmer than in Japan... So, now, it's perfect time to enjoy yummy ice cream in Zagreb! :)

  My favourite Gelateria is the bar&bistro G (address: Preobraženska, Zagreb), which is located at the entrance of the newly opened shopping centre Cvjetni in the centre of Zagreb. This bar&bistor is not too far from the cafe Oranž. Only a few minutes walk to the Sough from the Oranž and then walk across the small square to the East.

  When I first passed by the gelateria, I didn't expect much, because it's more like cafe and not specialised for ice cream. But, soon I found that they serve really tasty ice cream, more like gelati, contrary to my expectations!

  The gelateria has usually 10 different gelati on the display showcase, such as chocolate, pistachio, vanilla, hazelnut, lemon, raspberry and so on. I ordered chocolate and pistachio gelati, and my husband ordered lemon and hazelnut gelati :) I really love those chocolate and pistachio gelati, which have very rich and elegant, but not too sweet, taste. The lemon one has very natural lemon taste and very fresh, which I'd love to have in summer.

  On cup or one cone of gelato costs 9kn here. But, you can order half and half with the same price, like we did on the photo :) If you want to order two different gelati on one cup, you would say:

Čokolada i pistacchio, po pola, molim!


Pola čokolada i pola pistacchio, molim!

 When you order your gelati on table, your waiter would bring them on a glass like on the photo, but when you order the gelati in front of the counter, you will get them on a cup or on a cone. If you want to have your gelati on cup, tell the person at the counter "u šalici", and if you want to have your gelati on cone, say "u korenetu". Enjoy nice gelati! Dobar tek!


ザグレブのカフェ Cafe Oranž



  さて、ザグレブの中心、イリツァ通りに2011年にオープンしたばかりの新しいカフェOranž (住所:Illica 7, Zagreb)。ザグレブ中心のイェラチッチ広場からイリツァ通りを西に3分ほど歩いたところにあります。お店の名前Oranžはフランス語の「オレンジ」と同じ「オランジュ」と発音します。ここのお勧めは何と言ってもケーキ!ヨーロッパに限らず、外国のケーキってちょっと生地が固くて重たい感じなんですが、ここのケーキは生地がしっとり、ふわふわ。日本のケーキに近いかな、という感じです。



お店のインテリア Interior of the cafe Oranž
  このカフェはインテリアもモダンでおしゃれ。白を基調としているけれど、テーブルなどはナチュラルな木材を使っているので、温かみがあって落ち着く感じ。 所々にお店の名前にもなっている「オレンジ」がアクセントに使われているのもかわいらしい。白い食器でケーキが引き立って見えます。全面窓ガラスなのもあって、開放感があって明るいです。

  気になるケーキのお値段ですが、だいたいケーキ1個平均23Kn (1Kn=14円 2012年2月時点)。コーヒーと紅茶は約14Knくらいです。 近くのVincekのケーキが平均13Knくらいなのでだいぶ高いですが、ザグレブでおいしいケーキを探している方はぜひ試してみてください。


  Može (ケーキの名前、コーヒー、紅茶など), molim!

ケーキの名前など発音がよく分からないときは、指をさして「to (ト)」でもOK。この場合、Može to, molilm! 2個以上、注文するときは「i (イ)」で単語をつなげます。英語で言うところの「and」です。ちなみにコーヒーはクロアチア語で「Kava(かヴぁ)」、紅茶は「Čaj(チャイ)」です。また、ケーキを持ち帰りたいときには「Za van. (ザ ヴァン)」を注文した最後に言えばOKです。

Those who loves cafes may find Zagreb fascinating. There are so many good cafes in Zagreb and other Croatian cities.

  My favourite cafe in Zagreb is cafe Oranž (Illica 7, Zagreb), which was open last year 2011 and is quite new. This cafe is located very centre of the Zagreb, only a few minutes walk to the West along the Illica street from the Jelačić square. I really love their cakes! I also like cakes of Vincek, but the cakes of Oranž are more similar to Japanese cakes. I mean, their cakes are not too heavy or too sweet, but very delicate, mild and smooth.

  At the cafe, there are usually about 25 different cakes, such as chocolate torte, fruit torte and baked cakes, on the display showcase. So, I'm sure you will find your favourite one there. For me, just looking at those lovely cakes makes me happy :) There are also some light snacks such as sandwiches, salad and bread.

  The cakes on the first photo shows their chocolate cake and strawberry torte. I really love their chocolate cake, which has very rich dark chocolate taste and elegant and delicate taste. The strawberry torte is very light and not too sweet, so the taste of strawberry is well accentuated. The cafe also makes really good coffee too.
お店の外観 Exterior of the cafe

  In addition to their cakes, I also like their modern and stylish interior. Their interior is based on white colour, but all wooden furniture creates a natural and cozy space there. They also use the orange colour, which is also the name of the cafe, as accent.

  Price for a cake on average at the cafe Oranž is about 23kn, and coffee and tea are about 14kn on average. It is relatively expensive when comparing to another popular cake and ice cream shop Vincek, where price for a cake is about 13kn on average. Vincek also offers various cakes and ice creams, which are so much loved by local people in Zagreb. Having a cake and a cup of coffee in the cafe Oranž might be a bit more expensive, but I think it's worth to try :)

  To enjoy a cake at a cafe, firstly, you need to order your favourite cake at the display showcase.  Then, a person who takes your order would tell you to take a seat, so you take whichever table you like and wait for your cake to be brought to you. To order coffee or tea from the menu on the table, you just need to call a waiter. How to order a cake, coffee or tea in Croatian? Well, it's easy!

  Može (name of cake, coffee, tea etc.), molim!

If you are not sure how to pronounce a name of cake or coffee, then you can point it out and say "to" ("to" of "toy") meaning "it" and make it "Može to, molim! If you want to order more than one, then use "i" ("i" of "issue"), which means "and" in English, and connect them. By the way, coffee in Croatian language is "kava" and tea is "Čaj" (the same pronunciation as Indian chai). If you want to take away cakes, you need to add "Za van." after ordering the cakes. Well, enjoy a lovely time at the cafe!


クロアチア料理 ピイェスカヴィッツァ Croatian local food Pljeskavica


Grill Pub Grana
  ザグレブでPljeskavicaがおいしい、地元クロアチア人おすすめレストランはGrill Pub Grana (ウェブサイト)。ザグレブの中心部からかなり離れたヤルン湖 (Jarun) の近くにあります。5番または17番のトラムに乗って、路線の最終駅から3番目のPetrovaradinskaという駅で降りるのが一番近いと思います。お客さんのほとんどは地元の人なので、ザグレブで地元料理を食べたい!という人にはおすすめ。ウェブサイトでメニューを見る場合は「Jelovnik」を、詳しい地図を見る場合は「Naša Lokacija」をクリックしてみてください。営業時間は朝の9時から夜の11時まで。夏は、オーナーがバケーションで店が閉まっていることもあるので注意。
  このお店の量もクロアチアンサイズなので、Pljeskavica (35Kn) とサラダや付け合せ(とは思えない量の)フライドポテト(Pommes Frites ポン・フリット 10Kn)をシェアします。Pljeskavica 自体は塩味がものすごい効いていて、最初食べた時はその塩辛さにびっくり。でも上にたっぷり乗ったカイマックと生タマネギが調和してくれる感じ。けっこう癖になる味かな。生タマネギ、食べた後の口臭がすごいことになるので、人に会う前は避けた方がいいかも・・・。肉汁に浸して焼いたパン(Lepinja)もなかなかおいしいのだけれど、カロリーが気になる。クロアチア全体に言えるのだけれど、塩とかコショウとか追加しなくてもいいくらいに料理にはしっかり塩というか味がついています。

One of the most popular Croatian food (well, at least around Zagreb and maybe not so much in the sea side) is Pljeskavica, which is also widely eaten in the former Yugoslav countries. Pljeskavica uses various minced meat, such as chicken minced meat, beef minced meat, pork minced meat and so on. But in Bosnia, which is an Islamic country, the pork meat is not used for any food including Pljeskavica.

  If you look for a good Pljeskavica restaurant, I would recommend the Grill Pub Grana near the Lake Jarun. When you order a Pljeskavica, usually you will also have non-cooked onion, cheese or Kajmak (sour cream cheese) and Lepinja. Lepinja is a type of bread slightly baked with meat oil of Pljeskavica. The price of Pljeskavica including the onion, the cheese or Kajmak, and the Lepinja is only 35 Kn.
Pljeskavica with Kajmak

  When I first tasted the Pljeskavica, I was a bit shocked by its very salty taste! But the onion and Kajmak balance out and make the taste of the salty Pljeskavica a bit more mild, and actually it is very tasty. Actually, I would say that food in Croatia in general is a bit salty that you don't have to add more salt or pepper. By the way, when you have an appointment with someone, don't eat onions with the Pljeskavica! I think it is a joke, but I've heard that there is a rule: when someone eat onions with Pljeskavica or ćevapi, everyone has to follow so that no one complain about smell :)

  The Grill Pub Grana is located a bit far away from the centre of Zagreb. To get there, you need to take tram No. 5 or 17 and stop at Petrovaradinska station, which is the third station from the last. You can check the detailed map on the website of the restaurant by clicking "Naša Lokacija". Also, you can check their menu by clicking "Jelovnik". The opening hours of the restaurant is from 9:00 to 23:00.


ザグレブのチョコフェスティバル Chocolate Festival in Zagreb

People queueing to enter the Chocolate Festival



St. Marks Church made of Chocolate :)
 ザグレブに数店舗構えるケーキショップVincek (ヴィンツェック)にはiPhoneの形をしたチョコレートやら、工具の形をしたチョコレート、ザグレブ地方のシンボルLicitarsko Srce(赤いハートの飾り物)を形取ったものなどあって、見ているだけで楽しかったです。何となく日本のバレンタイン・デーを思い出しました。

  せっかく来たので、目に留まったスロベニアのショコラティエLuciferのチョコレートを1箱買ってみました。16個入って127Kn (約1,700円)でした。このチョコレート、想像以上においしくて、びっくり!舌触りがなめらかで、GODIVAやJean-Paul Hévin にも引けを取らないおいしさ。甘すぎず、とっても上品なお味でした。機会があったらまた買いたい。スロベニアに旅行に行く人は、お土産にお勧めです♪


  2月14日は、またイェラチッチ広場からちょっと南にいったところにあるズリニェバッツ公園でバレンタイン・イベントが開かれていました。公園の中心にはLove Treeがあって、短冊にみんなそれぞれ愛の言葉がつづられていました。中には「iPhone 4Sが欲しい。愛してるよナターシャ」と書いてるものやら、「戻ってきてくれ」と切ないメッセージまで・・・。バンドの生演奏もあって、曲に合わせて踊っているカップルもいれば、ホットワインを飲みながら音楽を聴き入っているカップルも。

People in Zagreb enjoyed the first Chocolate Festival at the Jelačića square from 10 to 14 February. I went there on 13th and 14th (the last day) to see the festival. As you can see on the first photo, there were so many people, even queueing outside on the last day.

Chocolates from Lucifer
  At the festival, chocolate shops and cake shops from Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and so on participated and offered many attracting chocolates and cakes. And actually, I found really nice and tasty chocolate shop from Slovenia, called Lucifer. I've never heard of that chocolate chop until I found it at the chocolate festival. I didn't expect much, BUT! the chocolates were so tasty, like Belgian or French chocolates! They were not too sweet, but they had very smooth texture and delicate and elegant taste. I'd love to buy their chocolates if I have a chance again.

  I also found many funny-shaped chocolates from Vincek, which is very popular cake and ice cream shop in Zagreb. On the 3rd photos, you will find iPhone chocolates, tools made of chocolate, Licitarsko Srce chocolates and so on. It was just so fun to see them. Oh, and the second photo shows St. Mark's Church made of chocolate! That looked so lovely :)

Love tree
  There was a very interesting shop outside the main venue of the chocolate festival. The choco kebab! Like kebab, the man shaved the bar of chocolate, put the chocolate flakes on a thin pancake together with additional topping such as, chocolate chips, coconuts flakes, additional sugar, almond slices, etc, etc.... Then the man rolled them all together and finished it with whipped cream on the top of it :) It was not too sweet, but just right and very tasty! I wish they would keep this choco kebab as standard menu! Anyway, I was so fascinated by this new idea!

  On the night of St. Valentine's Day, there was a small event at the Zrinjevac park. I went there late at night, so most of the events seemed to be finished, but people enjoyed really nice live music of all kinds. I saw couples danced to the music. I also found a love tree at the centre of the park. People left love messages on the tree :)

  I guess many people have heard of the Valentine's day in Japan. It's a day when girls tell their love to boys with chocolates. So, about 3 weeks before the Valentine's day, shops start selling huge selection of chocolates and lots and lots of women go there to buy chocolates to their love, male colleagues, male friends, brothers and fathers. On the Valentine's day, we also give chocolates to male family members and sometimes colleagues and bosses, I mean anyone who relate to us in order to keep good relationships with them. Some companies ban chocolate giving between employees. And recently, some women give chocolates to their female friends to thank to friendship with them and buy expensive chocolates to themselves. It's a kind of very rare occasion to see so many difference expensive chocolates, especially outside major cities such as Tokyo and Osaka. So, it's a big temptation for us female :)

  When I talked about this to my husband, he was kind of pro for the Japanese-style Valentine's day. Maybe for many boys, it's a good chance to read girls' intentions, which seems to be very difficult for the boys. So, those who are pro for the Japanese-style Valentine's Day think it reduces pressure for boys to confess their love to girls. But, what do you think?! Oh, and there is another very unique day called "White Day" in Japan. If the Japanese-style Valentine's day is a day for girls to tell their love to boys, the White Day is a day for boys to answer it :) So, maybe you think it's cool because you don't have to prepare any presents for the Valentine's day in Japan, but you need to (had better to) return small gifts to girl(s), who gave you chocolates on the Valentine's Day, on the White Day.

  There is a survey how much girls spend for the Valentine's day and how much they expect boys to return... According to the survey this year, Japanese females spent about 32 euros on average for their love and about 8 euros for others. But, females expect return gift worth of 40 euros on average...


クロアチアでチップは必要? Custom of Tipping in Croatia


Račun, molim! (らチュン モーリム!)


Može račun! (モジェ らチュン!)

これだと砕けすぎだし、あんまり丁寧すぎてもなぁ、という場合は、最後に「molim (モーリム)」を付けて、Može račun, molim! (モジェ らチュン、モーリム!)でOK。ウェイターさんもゆっくりしていてなかなか来てくれない場合もありますが、のんびり待ってみましょう(^ ^;) 


Sve u redu! (すヴぇ うレドゥ!)

と言えば、にっこり笑って「Hvala! (フヴぁ―ら!)」と見送ってくれると思います。"Sve u redu"は直訳すると"全てOK"。英語で言えば"Everything is fine"で、例えば食事中ウェイターさんに何か必要なものがあるか、もっと食べるか聞かれたり、あるいは追加注文があるかどうか聞かれたりしたときに、「いや、このままで十分です。」という意味でも使えます。"Hvala"はクロアチア語で「ありがとう」の意味です。


Payment at restaurants in Croatia is "pay-at-the table" system. On the other hand, in Japan, we pay at a cash register at most restaurants and Izakaya. When we dine at Izakaya with friends, we usually split the bill. So, we ask our waiter to bring us the bill first, and then pay at the cash register. When you want to ask the waiter to bring the bill to the table, say "Okaikei, Onegai-shimasu! お会計、お願いします!", meaning "the bill, please". In Croatia, you would say,

Račun, molim!

This is very polite and formal way of asking the bill. If your waiter is very friendly, you can also way in this way:

Može račun!

I've heard that many Croats use this way. This has a meaning similar to "bring me the bill". If you want to be a bit more polite, you can add "molim" to the end of sentence: Može račun, molim! By the way, this letter "č" is pronounced "ch" of "church".

I asked my husband if Croatia has the custom of tipping. He told me that the tipping is not mandatory, but many people leave about 5 to 10% of the total bill on the table when they left the restaurant or cafe if they are happy with the food and the service. You can also round up to the nearest number when you pay. For example, if the total amount is 57Kn, you can round up to 60Kn when you pay to your waiter. To tell the waiter to keep the change, you would say:

Sve u redu!

meaning, "everything is fine". This is very useful sentence and you can use this words in various situations. This words can be used as "everything is fine as it is" when your waiter asks you if you need anything additional while you enjoy your plates, or when you are asked if you want to eat more at your friend's dinner party or something.

As for the tipping at accommodations, I've heard that there is no custom of leaving tips on a side table of a bed. So, you don't have to worry about the tipping on hotels.


料理の量が多いとき・・・ Food portions in Croatia

クロアチアはレストランで食事を注文すると、ものすごい量のものが運ばれてきます。オーストラリア(メルボルン)のレストラン以上の量に、最初はびっくりしました。女の子2人なら1人分を頼んでシェアしてもおなかいっぱ いになるくらい。私と旦那がピッツァリアに行くと、サラダ1人前、ピッツァのミドルサイズ1枚かラザニア1人前をシェアします。それでも残さずに食べ るので精一杯くらい。これにケーキをシェアするとお腹がはちきれそうになる。

Half lasagna of Capuciner


Može ..., po pola, molim. (モジェ (料理の名前、指差しながら 'to' でもOK)、ぽ ポーラ、モーリム).

と言いましょう。意味は「半分ずつでお願いします。」。「to (ト)」はクロアチア語で「これ」という意味です。「pola (ポラ、ポーラ)」は「半分」、で「molim (モーリム)」は英語で言うpleaseにあたる言葉です。または、先にピッツァなりを頼んで、「Može po pola, molim.」でもOK。ちなみに「molim」はつけると丁寧な感じになるけれど、別に言わなくてもウェイターの人は気を悪くしたりはしないらしい。反対に「molim」をつけないほうが早くフレンドリーな感じになれるからいい、と思うクロアチア人もいるみたい。


The food portions at restaurants in Croatia are huge when comparing to Japan. I think the food portions here is as much as, or could be bigger than Australia. So, when I ordered food (a plate of meat :)) at a restaurant in Zagreb for the first time, I was so shocked to see them and I barely finished one third of them...

  When my husband and I eat at a restaurant, we usually share a bowl of salad, a middle-size pizza or a lasagna. Even though, we barely finish them all... I must admit that I eat less when comparing to my female friends, and my husband also eats less than average Croatian men. Waiters here in Croatia are generally very friendly, and one time, when our waiter saw us struggling with food, he said "Hey, what's wrong? Eat, eat!". And other time, a waiter jokingly told us "you can't go home until you finish it!" :P

Pizza from Eataly Daikanyama (Tokyo)
  So, anyway, since we learnt that we can't eat a full portion of meal, we mostly share plates. Usually, when tell a waiter that we share a plate when we order, a restaurant split it on two plates, like a photo above :) When you want to share a plate, say the following words to your waiter when you order:

  Može (name of food), po pola, molim.

This means "half and half, please". You can use the word "to" instead of the name of food. "To" means "it", and be careful not to pronounce it like English "to", which I often did it until I get used to the Croatian letters. "To" should be pronounced as "to" of "toy". You can also say, "Lasagne. Može po pola, molim."

  The word "molim" means "please" in English. But, I've been told that I don't have to say "molim" when I order at a restaurant. As a Japanese, I think I prefer to be polite even to waiters, but in Croatia, people prefer to be friendly. Using the word "molim" may sound too formal, and people may think it sounds more friendly without using that word. When you are friendly to your waiters, he/she would be friendly and even share some jokes with you ;)

  By the way, I wrote "lasagne" in the sentence above, because in Croatian language, one lasagna is called lasagne, and lasagna is plural.

  The half lasagna on the first photo is from Capuciner, which is located in front of the Cathedral. One lasagna costs only 35 kn and I think they serve the best lasagna in Zagreb :)


クロアチアのレストラン Restaurants in Croatia


 普通に地元の人が行くピッツァリアとかレストランになりますが、ザグレブでは、日本で言うLサイズのピッツァ1枚がこちらではミドルサイズでだいたい35Kn (2012年2月時点で1Kn=約13.5円)くらいと日本に比べたらだいぶ安いです。飲み物も、コーラ250mlで約12Kn。ラザニアが約35Kn。トリュフソースのパスタが約80Kn。 日本で食べると高価なトリュフも、さすがトリュフ生産地だけあって、お安く食べることができます。でも原型をとどめないトリュフの粉(?)が黒い点々として見えるくらい・・・。普通レベルのレストランでは過度な期待はしないほうがいいかも。トリュフのパスタは大体クリームソース。たま~にオイルベースのソースをみるくらい。



Menu of Baschiera
The Croatian cuisine is diverse depending on regions. For example, the cuisine in the region called Slavonija and around Zagreb, which are located closer to Hungary and Austria, have influence of Austrian and Hungarian cuisines. On the other hand, the cuisine in the coast region has influence from the Mediterranean and Italian food. So, in Croatia and here in Zagreb, you can find really nice Italian restaurants and pizzerias. And they are very cheap! Much much cheaper than in Japan, definitely.

  For example, at a standard pizzeria where local Zagreb people go, you can buy a middle size of pizza for about 35Kn, a 250ml bottle of coke is about 12Kn, and a small size of salad for about 15Kn. The middle size of pizza in Zagreb pizzeria is actually the same size as, or could be bigger than, a large size pizza in Japan. And a large size pizza in Japan costs over 30 euros!

  Many people think that everything in Japan is extremely expensive. But, it actually is not true. In Japan, you can find cheap food at Japanese-style pubs called Izakaya, on the other hand, you can also find high-end restaurants. Izakaya is a pub, but offers verious types of food in small plates, so you can try many different Japanese domestic food there. When I have dinner at an Italian cafe/izakaya with 3 to 4 female friends of mine, I spend about 25 euros on average including 2 glasses of alcohol beverage. Maybe it's not common outside Japan, or more broadly outside Asia, but we usually share plates. So, when I have dinner with my friends at the restaurants, we order a salad, a few appetizers, some small plates of chicken, a medium size of pizza (meaning, a small size of pizza here :)) and a past to share, and drinks and cakes for each.

  In Japan, usually, restaurants offers different menu between lunch and dinner. Prices for lunch is much cheaper than dinner even at a relatively expensive restaurant. Lunch at standard restaurants is in a range between 8 euros to 15 euros. You can also find a cheaper option at a chain Gyudon restaurant, such as Yoshinoya and Sukiya, where you can eat Gyudon (a bowl of rice topped with beef and onion) for less than 4 euros :) Gyudon is something like, pizza for Italian and hamburger for Americans.

  Anyway, going back to Croatian restaurants, I think prices of food at tourist destinations, such as Split, Dubrovnik and so on are higher than Zagreb by 20 to 30%.

  The menu on the photo above is from a pizzeria called Baschiera. The pizzeria was recommended by local people and they do have really good pizza! They have 3 branches in Zagreb, but I think the one on the Šubićeva street is the closest from the centre of Zagreb. How to get there? Well, walk along the Jurišceva street and the Martićeva street from the Jelačića square to the East, and when you reach the Šubićeva street, walk to the South for a few meters, and you will find the pizzeria. It also has very nice and modern interior design :)


クロアチアの税金と扶養者登録 Taxes in Croatia and Registration of Dependent

食べ物つながりで、クロアチアの税金のお話。クロアチアの消費税は0%, 10%, 23%に分かれています。パン、ミルク、一部の薬品なんかは0%、宿泊施設や新聞なんかは10%、それ以外は23%です。でも、この消費税率、2012年の3月から25%に引き上げられる見通しです。25%はEUが規定する消費税率最高値。EUの規定する標準消費税率は15%から25%です。消費税5%の日本から見たら、ものすごく高い消費税率。それでも財政困難に陥るのだから、単に消費税を上げただけでは財政がよくならないのは立証済み (-"-;)。



  非課税率は一律1,800Knで、次の3,600Knに対して12%、その次の10,800Knに対して25%、残りに対して40%の所得税が課せられます。つまり、 毎月20,000Knもらっている人は:

20,000Kn   -   (1,800Kn  ×  0%)                    =18,200Kn
18,200Kn       -     ( 3,600Kn    ×   12%   =   432Kn)   =14,600Kn
14,600Kn       -      (10,800Kn   ×    25%   = 2,700Kn)     =3,800Kn
  残り            3,800Kn    ×     40%   = 1,520Kn



  扶養者として登録するのはものすごく簡単です。会社なんかにTax Card(Kartica Poreza)が保管してあると思うのですが、それを持って地元の税務署に扶養者申請書を提出するだけです。申請書は地元の税務署に置いてあります。この時もOIBが必要になるので、番号を控えておくのをお忘れなく!扶養者の名前とOIBをTax Cardに記入してもらったら、それを会社に変換します。ここらへん、日本だと会社がやってくれるから便利ですね。

Currently, VAT in Croatia is 23% and which is expected to be increased by 2% in March, so VAT in Croatia will be 25%.  Except for baked bread, milk, some medicines, educational books and so on, which are not taxed. And 10% tax rate is applied to accommodations and newspapers and so on. On the other hand, VAT in Japan is 5% for everything. So, comparing to Japanese VAT, the Croatian VAT looks very high. Actually, 25% VAT rate is the highest in the EU standard. The EU defines that standard VAT should be in a range between 15% to 25%.  Now, the Japanese government tries to increase the VAT to 8% by next May, but many Japanese are against it and criticised the government that they should cut their salary, a number of parliament members and so on before implementing new VAT rate.

  In Croatia, the new government also announced that the parliamentary pension would be reduced. And the moment the new government mentioned about it, a few parliament members announced their retirement in order to obtain the full pension even thought it was just after the election.

  Anyway, taxes in Croatia... let's see income tax in Croatia. The income taxation system is a bit different from Japan. In Croatia, four different tax rate is applied. For example, if a person earn 20,000 Kn every month, the first 1,800 Kn is tax free. Then, the next 3,600 Kn is taxed with the rate of 12%. The next 10,800 Kn is taxed with the rate of 25%, and 40% tax rate is imposed to the rest.

20,000Kn   -   (1,800Kn  ×  0%)                    =18,200Kn
18,200Kn       -     ( 3,600Kn    ×   12%   =   432Kn)   =14,600Kn
14,600Kn       -      (10,800Kn   ×    25%   = 2,700Kn)     =3,800Kn
The rest           3,800Kn    ×     40%   = 1,520Kn

  So, the person who earns 20,000 Kn every month will pay 4,652 Kn from his salary. Of course, fee for the health insurance, the pension and the city tax are deducted from the salary.

  In Japan, six different income tax rate is applied depending on how much you earn.

Tax rate
Less than 1,950,000 Yen
0 Yen
From 1,950,000 to 3,330,000 Yen
97,500 Yen
From 3,330,000 to 6,950,000 Yen
427,500 Yen
From 6,950,000 to 9,000,000 Yen
636,000 Yen
From 9,000,000 to 18,000,000 Yen
1,536,000 Yen
Over 18,000,000 Yen
2,796,000 Yen

  The calculation of the income tax in Japan goes like this: if you earn 2,000,000 yen per year, the amount of tax you should pay is 2,000,000 yen × 10% - 97,500 yen = 102,500 yen. In addition to the income tax, we also pay city tax (resident tax), which is equivalent to 10% of your income, the pension, the health insurance and the employment insurance.

  Going back to the Croatian tax system, if you have a dependent, 900 Kn will be added to the non-tax amount. I mean, 2,700 Kn will be not taxed. The deduction for the first child is 900 Kn, the deduction for the second child is 1,260 Kn and the deduction for the third child is 1,800 Kn.

  To register a dependent family on the tax card is very easy. You just need to bring your tax card(Kartica Poreza), which is usually kept at a company if you work for the company, to the local tax office together with a request for modification of the tax card, which you can get at the local tax office. You need the dependent family's OIB, of course.


クロアチアの物価 Prices in Croatia



After New Year Party
  ちなみにザグレブの平均月収は税引き後で大体7万円。 日本の平均年収を約300万とすると、日本の平均月収の半分以下です。クロアチアの所得分布は、いわゆる中産階級が一番少なく、高所得者と低所得者がほとんど、ちょっと特殊な構造です。




Everyone left food for us

 Comparing prices (especially, food at a supermarket) in Zagreb with Japan, I think prices of most food here is almost half of Japan. I think this website shows relatively accurate data about prices in Zagreb and Tokyo. I would say, vegetables and fruits are much much cheaper than in Japan. But, I found that petrol here is extremely expensive. I've heard that the average monthly salary in Zagreb is about 700 euros after tax, whereas, the average monthly salary in Japan is about 1,700 euros after tax. It's hard to get the average monthly salary in Japan, because it largely varies depending on cities. Of course, people in Tokyo have higher monthly income, on the contrary, people in Okinawa and Aomori have nearly half salary of people in Tokyo. But, let's say, average monthly salary in Japan as broad is 1,700 euros after tax, which is calculated from an official data saying that the average yearly salary in Japan is about 29,000 euros.

  Anyway, petrol..., here in Zagreb, petrol is 10Kn (about 1.32 euro) per liter, whereas in Japan, petrol is 140 yen (about 1.35 euro) per liter. So, almost the same price! But, people in Croatia tend not to cut spending on petrol, and still enjoy driving their cars. It's like Japanese people pay 3 euro per liter or more for petrol from their income. I think if that would ever happened, many Japanese would give up their car and use alternate transportation such as trains and buses.

  Also, I found that renting a decent apartment in the centre of Zagreb is quite pricey. I think one bed room apartment in the centre of Zagreb costs at least 400 euros. So, I think it is very hard for an average salary person to rent an apartment, own a car and buy groceries. Therefore, most of families in Croatia are double-income households. I think this is one of the reasons why so many women participate in society.

Nashi (Japanese pear)
  On the contrary, in Japan, it's very hard for women to pursue her career. Many women quit their jobs when they get married or when they have babies. Of course, we do have maternity leave, but still, many women find it is very difficult to balance their career and parenthood and decide to leave their companies. I think many women in Japan wish to return to work when their children start going to school, but finding a company who employs them. Even if they do find a job, it's not something they can establish a career.

  Anyway, I was also very surprised by Croatian people's buying power (or better to say, willingness to buy). I didn't expect to see the Lexus dealer in Croatia. And I didn't expect to see some women holding brand-name bags such as Louis Vuitton. I was wondering, to be honest, how come they can afford those luxury things. Well, I know it sounds a bit rude for people in Croatia, but still many Japanese people think Croatia is a poor country and had a bad economy, and people in Croatia live in a poor living condition as in a Soviet Union... So, yeah, I hope I can change their wrong image of Croatia through my blog :)


クロアチアの古いことわざ Old Saying in Croatia


Dužan kao Grčka (ドゥジャン カオ グルチュカ). ギリシャ人のように借金にまみれる。



Croatia and other former Yugoslav countries have the old saying:  Dužan kao Grčka, meaning "indebted like Greek".

  This is not new saying created recently because of the Greek debt crisis, which led to a serious crisis of Euro currency. But, it seems like this old saying exists since long time ago. I laughed when I heard this saying, but this means that Greek has a bad reputation when it comes to debt even in Croatia.

  According to my husband, Croats tend to be in debt as deep as possible and don't stop spending. Many Japanese think that Croatia is in a serious economic crisis (I guess it is true though...) because of recession in EU. But, actually, the shopping malls outside of the centre of Zagreb are always full of people and don't feel like that the economy of Croatia is bad. So, this saying shows that Croats and people in other former Yugoslav countries consider the Greek habit of debt is even worse than them. Very interesting...

  In Japan, we feel very unsafe if we don't have savings. One reason is because we think that Japanese pension system will be sooner or later bankrupt. Well, the Japanese government itself is in a massive debt and when the big recession hits Japan, the government won't be able to help us. So, it is very important to have some savings to survive. Even young people in 20's have already started worrying their life after retirement and started saving money. Young people in 20's only know Japan in recession and spent most of their life in such economic situation. So, they tend to take more careful and serious attitudes to their way of spending and their life.


クロアチア国民健康保険に加入 Enrollment in Croatian National Health Insurance

一時滞在許可証もOIBも取得して、残るは国民健康保険(Hrvatski Zavod za Zdravstreno Osiguranje: HZZO)に加入するのみ。住んでいる地元の国民健康保険の事務所に警察で発行してもらった紙と、パスポートの顔写真のあるページ、住所が記載してある最後のページと一時滞在許可証が貼ってあるページのコピー、OIBのコピーを持っていきます。

  ここでの話、クロアチアの公務員は自分の仕事以外については知らないので、聞いても分からないと言われることが多い。あるいはあいまいで間違った情 報をくれるか・・・(´Д`) =3 実はOIBを取りに行くのに、事前に地元の税務署に電話で外国人がOIBを取得するにはどうしたらいいのか聞いたら、その時の回答が地元の税務署で できるから来るようにとのことだったけれど、実際に出向いたら「ここじゃなくて、ザグレブの中央税務署に6か月前から変わった」と伝えられるという悲劇 が・・・。電話でちゃんと確認したのに・・・。そんな感じで結構いい加減。どんな手続きでも、1回は何かしら理不尽なことに遭遇する、と心しておいた方が いいかも。

 国民健康保険の加入は簡単で、上に挙げた書類を窓口に持っていくと受付の人が2種類の加入申請書類に記入してくれます。あ とはそれにサインするだけ。外国人は例え国際結婚だったとしても永住権を取得するまでは(最低5年間は)配偶者の扶養者として保険に入ることはできず、個 人で加入という形になります。月々400Kn。そして、この健康保険は一時滞在許可証の有効期限間のみ有効です。つまり、来年一時滞在許可証の更新をした ときに健康保険も更新しないといけないのです。


Now, what I had to do was only to enroll in the Croatian National Health Insurance (Hrvatski Zavod za Zdravstreno Osiguranje: HZZO)after obtaining the temporary residence permit and the OIB. To enroll in the HZZO, you need to bring a certificate issued at the police station when the temporary residence permit is granted, a copy of your passport (photo page, address page and the page where the permit is attached) and a copy of the OIB.

  By the way, the certificate issued by the police station reads that the examination for the temporary residence permit had been entered (Note: not completed). So, technically, maybe I could have joined the HZZO before granting the visa. And maybe, I could have obtained the OIB before granting the OIB, but not sure...

  Anyway, enrolling the HZZO was a very easy process. I just had to hand in all the documents I mentioned above at the local health insurance office, and then a person at the office filled two application forms. What I had to do was just to sign those papers. Then, I received copies of those two forms, so I brought them to the police station. That's it. Now, all the necessary processes were done :)

  The monthly fee for the health insurance is 400 Kn. It doesn't matter if you depend on your spouse after the marriage. Until you obtain the permanent residence visa, you won't be able to enroll in the HZZO through your spouse. Also, I was told that the HZZO is valid until the temporary residence permit is valid. That means, when I renew the temporary residence permit next year, I also need to renew or re-enroll in the HZZO.

  So, through those procedures, you may encounter with irrational and inefficient bureaucracy, which you might feel like your patience is tested (and you may get nuts :P). But in the end, you will get what you need, if you patiently follow instruction of people at the office. And again, remember, different people may give you different advice and information in Croatia, so always better to contact them (preferably, the person in charge) to check before you actually take action (it could fail though...).


OIBって何?! What is OIB?


 さてさてOIBですが、Osobni Identifikacijski Brojの頭文字をとったもので、個人識別番号になります。ちょうどアメリカのSocial Security Number(社会保障番号)のようなものです。

 クロアチアでは銀行口座を開いたり、職に就いたり、Birth Certificateなどの公文書の発行をしてもらったりするにもOIBが必要になります。つまり、何をするにもOIBが必要ということです。そして、警察に指示された国民健康保険加入にももちろんOIBが必要。なので、国民健康保険に加入申請する前にOIBを取得する必要があります。

 ちょっと前まではOIB発行申請書を地元の税務署(Porezna Ured) に提出して、OIB取得まで数日かかっていたみたいです。地域によってはまだそういうところもあるのかも・・・。ザグレブでは、税務署 (Porezna Uprava) にパスポートを持っていくとその場で一時滞在許可証が発行されているか確認してくれて、ものの数分でその場でOIBが記載された紙を発行してくれます。発行費用は無料でした。クロアチアではありえないくらいのスピードでOIBが発行されたので感動ものでした。クロアチアもやればできるじゃないか、と旦那もびっくり。若くて考えが柔軟で、優秀な人と最新設備はザグレブに集中していたらしい・・・。ひょっとして他の手続きもザグレブだったらもうちょっと早いのかも。


In the case you move to Croatian and decided to live in Croatia, you need to obtain OIB (Osobni Identifikacijski Broj). OIB is something similar to the Social Security Number in the U.S..

  You need to have this OIB in order to open a bank account, sign a contract for a job, request an issue of an official document such as the birth certificate and so on. And of course, to enroll in the National Health Insurance, which I was ordered to do by the police and which is mandatory, I needed to obtain the OIB.

  It seems like it took a few days to obtain the OIB after filing a request at a local tax office (Porezna Ured). Maybe it stay the same depending on tax offices in Croatia. But, in Zagreb, it was super and unbelievably quick! What I needed was just appearing at the main tax office (Porezna Uprava) in Zagreb  with my passport.  Then, the person in charge checked if the temporary residence permit had been issued and printed out a document with OIB in a few minutes. There was no charge for this. So, we, I mean I and my husband was sooooo surprised by this quick procedure. It was a moment when a question we had: if everything is inputted into a data base, why can't they extract information on the data base from any PC? was cleared. Maybe other procedure could have been done in shorter time and easier process in Zagreb...

  The person in charge told me to keep the original copy of the OIB safe, because this document is extremely important. He also told me that I should make a copy of it and give it the copy if someone asked me. If I lost the original copy, then I won't be able to obtain the original one any more, but the tax office would reissue duplication. So, I have to be very careful not to lose it. What a pressure... Maybe I should laminate it.