食べ物つながりで、クロアチアの税金のお話。クロアチアの消費税は0%, 10%, 23%に分かれています。パン、ミルク、一部の薬品なんかは0%、宿泊施設や新聞なんかは10%、それ以外は23%です。でも、この消費税率、2012年の3月から25%に引き上げられる見通しです。25%はEUが規定する消費税率最高値。EUの規定する標準消費税率は15%から25%です。消費税5%の日本から見たら、ものすごく高い消費税率。それでも財政困難に陥るのだから、単に消費税を上げただけでは財政がよくならないのは立証済み
非課税率は一律1,800Knで、次の3,600Knに対して12%、その次の10,800Knに対して25%、残りに対して40%の所得税が課せられます。つまり、 毎月20,000Knもらっている人は:
20,000Kn - (1,800Kn × 0%) =18,200Kn
18,200Kn - ( 3,600Kn × 12% =
432Kn) =14,600Kn
14,600Kn - (10,800Kn × 25% =
2,700Kn) =3,800Kn
残り 3,800Kn × 40% =
扶養者として登録するのはものすごく簡単です。会社なんかにTax Card(Kartica Poreza)が保管してあると思うのですが、それを持って地元の税務署に扶養者申請書を提出するだけです。申請書は地元の税務署に置いてあります。この時もOIBが必要になるので、番号を控えておくのをお忘れなく!扶養者の名前とOIBをTax Cardに記入してもらったら、それを会社に変換します。ここらへん、日本だと会社がやってくれるから便利ですね。
Currently, VAT in Croatia is 23% and which is expected to be increased by 2% in March, so VAT in Croatia will be 25%. Except for baked bread, milk, some medicines, educational books and so on, which are not taxed. And 10% tax rate is applied to accommodations and newspapers and so on. On the other hand, VAT in Japan is 5% for everything. So, comparing to Japanese VAT, the Croatian VAT looks very high. Actually, 25% VAT rate is the highest in the EU standard. The EU defines that standard VAT should be in a range between 15% to 25%. Now, the Japanese government tries to increase the VAT to 8% by next May, but many Japanese are against it and criticised the government that they should cut their salary, a number of parliament members and so on before implementing new VAT rate.
In Croatia, the new government also announced that the parliamentary pension would be reduced. And the moment the new government mentioned about it, a few parliament members announced their retirement in order to obtain the full pension even thought it was just after the election.
Anyway, taxes in Croatia... let's see income tax in Croatia. The income taxation system is a bit different from Japan. In Croatia, four different tax rate is applied. For example, if a person earn 20,000 Kn every month, the first 1,800 Kn is tax free. Then, the next 3,600 Kn is taxed with the rate of 12%. The next 10,800 Kn is taxed with the rate of 25%, and 40% tax rate is imposed to the rest.
20,000Kn - (1,800Kn × 0%) =18,200Kn
18,200Kn - ( 3,600Kn × 12% =
432Kn) =14,600Kn
14,600Kn - (10,800Kn × 25% =
2,700Kn) =3,800Kn
The rest 3,800Kn × 40% =
So, the person who earns 20,000 Kn every month will pay 4,652 Kn from his salary. Of course, fee for the health insurance, the pension and the city tax are deducted from the salary.
In Japan, six different income tax rate is applied depending on how much you earn.
Tax rate
Less than 1,950,000 Yen
0 Yen
From 1,950,000 to 3,330,000 Yen
97,500 Yen
From 3,330,000 to 6,950,000 Yen
427,500 Yen
From 6,950,000 to 9,000,000 Yen
636,000 Yen
From 9,000,000 to 18,000,000 Yen
1,536,000 Yen
Over 18,000,000 Yen
2,796,000 Yen
The calculation of the income tax in Japan goes like this: if you earn 2,000,000 yen per year, the amount of tax you should pay is 2,000,000 yen × 10% - 97,500 yen = 102,500 yen. In addition to the income tax, we also pay city tax (resident tax), which is equivalent to 10% of your income, the pension, the health insurance and the employment insurance.
Going back to the Croatian tax system, if you have a dependent, 900 Kn will be added to the non-tax amount. I mean, 2,700 Kn will be not taxed. The deduction for the first child is 900 Kn, the deduction for the second child is 1,260 Kn and the deduction for the third child is 1,800 Kn.
To register a dependent family on the tax card is very easy. You just need to bring your tax card(Kartica Poreza), which is usually kept at a company if you work for the company, to the local tax office together with a request for modification of the tax card, which you can get at the local tax office. You need the dependent family's OIB, of course.