さて、ザグレブの中心、イリツァ通りに2011年にオープンしたばかりの新しいカフェOranž (住所:Illica 7, Zagreb)。ザグレブ中心のイェラチッチ広場からイリツァ通りを西に3分ほど歩いたところにあります。お店の名前Oranžはフランス語の「オレンジ」と同じ「オランジュ」と発音します。ここのお勧めは何と言ってもケーキ!ヨーロッパに限らず、外国のケーキってちょっと生地が固くて重たい感じなんですが、ここのケーキは生地がしっとり、ふわふわ。日本のケーキに近いかな、という感じです。
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お店のインテリア Interior of the cafe Oranž |
気になるケーキのお値段ですが、だいたいケーキ1個平均23Kn (1Kn=14円 2012年2月時点)。コーヒーと紅茶は約14Knくらいです。 近くのVincekのケーキが平均13Knくらいなのでだいぶ高いですが、ザグレブでおいしいケーキを探している方はぜひ試してみてください。
Može (ケーキの名前、コーヒー、紅茶など), molim!
ケーキの名前など発音がよく分からないときは、指をさして「to (ト)」でもOK。この場合、Može to, molilm! 2個以上、注文するときは「i (イ)」で単語をつなげます。英語で言うところの「and」です。ちなみにコーヒーはクロアチア語で「Kava(かヴぁ)」、紅茶は「Čaj(チャイ)」です。また、ケーキを持ち帰りたいときには「Za van. (ザ ヴァン)」を注文した最後に言えばOKです。
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ケーキを選ぶ人たち |
My favourite cafe in Zagreb is cafe Oranž (Illica 7, Zagreb), which was open last year 2011 and is quite new. This cafe is located very centre of the Zagreb, only a few minutes walk to the West along the Illica street from the Jelačić square. I really love their cakes! I also like cakes of Vincek, but the cakes of Oranž are more similar to Japanese cakes. I mean, their cakes are not too heavy or too sweet, but very delicate, mild and smooth.
At the cafe, there are usually about 25 different cakes, such as chocolate torte, fruit torte and baked cakes, on the display showcase. So, I'm sure you will find your favourite one there. For me, just looking at those lovely cakes makes me happy :) There are also some light snacks such as sandwiches, salad and bread.
The cakes on the first photo shows their chocolate cake and strawberry torte. I really love their chocolate cake, which has very rich dark chocolate taste and elegant and delicate taste. The strawberry torte is very light and not too sweet, so the taste of strawberry is well accentuated. The cafe also makes really good coffee too.
お店の外観 Exterior of the cafe |
In addition to their cakes, I also like their modern and stylish interior. Their interior is based on white colour, but all wooden furniture creates a natural and cozy space there. They also use the orange colour, which is also the name of the cafe, as accent.
Price for a cake on average at the cafe Oranž is about 23kn, and coffee and tea are about 14kn on average. It is relatively expensive when comparing to another popular cake and ice cream shop Vincek, where price for a cake is about 13kn on average. Vincek also offers various cakes and ice creams, which are so much loved by local people in Zagreb. Having a cake and a cup of coffee in the cafe Oranž might be a bit more expensive, but I think it's worth to try :)
To enjoy a cake at a cafe, firstly, you need to order your favourite cake at the display showcase. Then, a person who takes your order would tell you to take a seat, so you take whichever table you like and wait for your cake to be brought to you. To order coffee or tea from the menu on the table, you just need to call a waiter. How to order a cake, coffee or tea in Croatian? Well, it's easy!
Može (name of cake, coffee, tea etc.), molim!
If you are not sure how to pronounce a name of cake or coffee, then you can point it out and say "to" ("to" of "toy") meaning "it" and make it "Može to, molim! If you want to order more than one, then use "i" ("i" of "issue"), which means "and" in English, and connect them. By the way, coffee in Croatian language is "kava" and tea is "Čaj" (the same pronunciation as Indian chai). If you want to take away cakes, you need to add "Za van." after ordering the cakes. Well, enjoy a lovely time at the cafe!
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