People queueing to enter the Chocolate Festival |
St. Marks Church made of Chocolate :) |
せっかく来たので、目に留まったスロベニアのショコラティエLuciferのチョコレートを1箱買ってみました。16個入って127Kn (約1,700円)でした。このチョコレート、想像以上においしくて、びっくり!舌触りがなめらかで、GODIVAやJean-Paul Hévin にも引けを取らないおいしさ。甘すぎず、とっても上品なお味でした。機会があったらまた買いたい。スロベニアに旅行に行く人は、お土産にお勧めです♪
2月14日は、またイェラチッチ広場からちょっと南にいったところにあるズリニェバッツ公園でバレンタイン・イベントが開かれていました。公園の中心にはLove Treeがあって、短冊にみんなそれぞれ愛の言葉がつづられていました。中には「iPhone 4Sが欲しい。愛してるよナターシャ」と書いてるものやら、「戻ってきてくれ」と切ないメッセージまで・・・。バンドの生演奏もあって、曲に合わせて踊っているカップルもいれば、ホットワインを飲みながら音楽を聴き入っているカップルも。
People in Zagreb enjoyed the first Chocolate Festival at the Jelačića square from 10 to 14 February. I went there on 13th and 14th (the last day) to see the festival. As you can see on the first photo, there were so many people, even queueing outside on the last day.
Chocolates from Lucifer |
I also found many funny-shaped chocolates from Vincek, which is very popular cake and ice cream shop in Zagreb. On the 3rd photos, you will find iPhone chocolates, tools made of chocolate, Licitarsko Srce chocolates and so on. It was just so fun to see them. Oh, and the second photo shows St. Mark's Church made of chocolate! That looked so lovely :)
Love tree |
On the night of St. Valentine's Day, there was a small event at the Zrinjevac park. I went there late at night, so most of the events seemed to be finished, but people enjoyed really nice live music of all kinds. I saw couples danced to the music. I also found a love tree at the centre of the park. People left love messages on the tree :)
I guess many people have heard of the Valentine's day in Japan. It's a day when girls tell their love to boys with chocolates. So, about 3 weeks before the Valentine's day, shops start selling huge selection of chocolates and lots and lots of women go there to buy chocolates to their love, male colleagues, male friends, brothers and fathers. On the Valentine's day, we also give chocolates to male family members and sometimes colleagues and bosses, I mean anyone who relate to us in order to keep good relationships with them. Some companies ban chocolate giving between employees. And recently, some women give chocolates to their female friends to thank to friendship with them and buy expensive chocolates to themselves. It's a kind of very rare occasion to see so many difference expensive chocolates, especially outside major cities such as Tokyo and Osaka. So, it's a big temptation for us female :)
There is a survey how much girls spend for the Valentine's day and how much they expect boys to return... According to the survey this year, Japanese females spent about 32 euros on average for their love and about 8 euros for others. But, females expect return gift worth of 40 euros on average...
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