ところで、警察に一時滞在許可証を申請するのに、旦那の出生証明書(Birth certificate)が必要、ということで急遽Rijekaまで取りに行ってきました。住所が変わっても出生証明書は生まれた場所の役場に登録されていて、場所を変えることができないみたいです。なので、出生証明書が必要な場合は手紙で依頼するか実際にその場所へ行って取り寄せるかしかなかったみたい。でもRijekaの役場で「実は数日前から住んでいるところの登録所(Matični Ured)で取り寄せることが可能になった」と知らされて沈黙する私たち・・・。ガソリンを無駄にした、と思ったけど初めてRijekaに来ることができたし、霧に埋もれて寒いザグレブから太陽が降り注ぐ暖かいRijekaに来られたからいいことにしよう、ということに落ち着きました。私にとってRijekaはものすごい第一印象が良かったです。港町で陽気で明るい雰囲気っていうのもあるんだけれど、どっちかというとリベラルな考えが多いのがRijekaの特徴。Rijeka(リエカ)って名前も私の名前に通じるところがあって勝手に親近感を持ってみたり・・・。今度はもっとゆっくり訪れたいかな。
Certification of visa procedure |
By the way, before we filed the request, we needed to get my husband's birth certificate. We didn't know that we could have obtain the birth certificate at any registration office (Matični Ured) in Croatia, so we went to Rijeka, where my husband was born, to get the birth certificate. This new system was implemented a few days before we went the registration office in Rijeka. It was a kind of waste of time and petrol to go to Rijeka from Zagreb just to get the birth certificate, but actually, I had a really good impression about Rijeka. Maybe because we visited Rijeka when Zagreb was buried in thick fogs for entire week while people in Rijeka enjoy lovely sunshine. Rijeka has a liberal-kind of atmosphere and people there are generally very friendly, although maybe Asian are still very rare to see for them (but this can be said to Zagreb, or other towns except for Split or Dubrovnik where lots of Japanese visit as tourists). But in fact, it seems like Rijeka is the most liberal city in Croatia. Also, "Rijeka" sounds similar to my name, so I feel a sense of affinity :)
The following day after the public holiday, I went to the local police station to file the request for the temporary residence permit with my husband and the owner of the apartment (see here for documents you need to prepare). At the police station, the officer checked if we filed all necessary documents and then gave me a certification of visa procedure (a certification that says that visa examination is in process). We were also told to bring the translation of my criminal record. So, we asked the court translator for the translation and filed it later.

After filing the request for the temporary residence permit, I temporarily returned to Japan for 10 days. When I visited Japan, I travelled with the passport with my old name (without amending my name on the passport), because my name on the passport and the name of flight tickets need to match. Even with my passport with old name, I had no problem with re-entering into Croatia. But, when I checked in for the flight back to Zagreb, I was asked to show a valid visa. At that time, I didn't have the temporary residence permit, but the certification of the visa procedure. So, I told the person in charge at the check-in desk about my situation and the visa. They accepted the certification and let me checked in :). So, always bring the certification with you.
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