チョコレートとピスタチオのジェラート |
2011年にザグレブ中心部に新しくオープンしたショッピングセンターCvjetniの入口正面左のバー&ビストロG (住所:Preobraženska, Zagreb)。カフェがメインで、アイスクリームはひっそりと陳列されていたので、あんまり期待していなかったのですが、イタリアンジェラートのようななめらかで濃厚な味にすっかり虜に・・・。
Čokolada i pistacchio, po pola, molim! (チョコらーだ イ ピスタチオ、ぽ ポーラ、モーリム!)
Pola čokolada i pola pistacchio, molim! (ポーラ チョコらーだ イ ポーラ ピスタチオ、モーリム!)
というと写真のようにチョコレートとピスタチオのジェラートを半分ずつ盛ってくれます。ちなみに、席についてウェイターさんにジェラートを注文するとグラスに入れて持ってきてくれるけれど、ジェラートの陳列棚の前で注文すると、カップかコーンに入れてくれます。クロアチア語でカップは「šalica (シャリツァ)」、コーンは「kornet (コルネト)」。食べ歩きで、カップに盛ってほしいときは「u šalici (う シャリチ)」を、コーンに盛ってほしいときは「u korenetu (う コルネトゥ)」と言えばOK。
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開放的なバー&ビストロG |
Zagreb was under heavy snow (-20 degrees in the early morning!) until last weekend, but suddenly it's getting warmer and warmer. I feel like as if the spring is coming :) The weather forecast says that it might reach 16 degrees this Saturday! It's actually warmer than in Japan... So, now, it's perfect time to enjoy yummy ice cream in Zagreb! :)
My favourite Gelateria is the bar&bistro G (address: Preobraženska, Zagreb), which is located at the entrance of the newly opened shopping centre Cvjetni in the centre of Zagreb. This bar&bistor is not too far from the cafe Oranž. Only a few minutes walk to the Sough from the Oranž and then walk across the small square to the East.
奥はレモンとヘーゼルナッツのジェラート |
The gelateria has usually 10 different gelati on the display showcase, such as chocolate, pistachio, vanilla, hazelnut, lemon, raspberry and so on. I ordered chocolate and pistachio gelati, and my husband ordered lemon and hazelnut gelati :) I really love those chocolate and pistachio gelati, which have very rich and elegant, but not too sweet, taste. The lemon one has very natural lemon taste and very fresh, which I'd love to have in summer.
On cup or one cone of gelato costs 9kn here. But, you can order half and half with the same price, like we did on the photo :) If you want to order two different gelati on one cup, you would say:
Čokolada i pistacchio, po pola, molim!
Pola čokolada i pola pistacchio, molim!
When you order your gelati on table, your waiter would bring them on a glass like on the photo, but when you order the gelati in front of the counter, you will get them on a cup or on a cone. If you want to have your gelati on cup, tell the person at the counter "u šalici", and if you want to have your gelati on cone, say "u korenetu". Enjoy nice gelati! Dobar tek!
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